I have to start NOW!

Ok, where to start...my name is Tina. I am 31 and have two children, 9 and 7 years old.

Since I was 14, I always carried extra weight and have struggled since. I lost two stone about 4 years ago and I felt amazing! Confidence oozed out of me and my social life was fantastic.

Ok, so where I am now. I am currently nearly 3 stone overweight and it is controlling my life. I always start off with good intentions, and over the last 6 weeks, I have one 'good' day, and then 3 'bad' days! I am so sick of feeling crap, inside and out!

So why do I feel now is the time to really get this weight off?
If I sink any lower, I worry about getting depressed. I am a size 14/16, but I feel like I'm a size 20!
I have been single now for nearly 4 years, and it's really getting me down. I feel/have always felt that I will never meet someone being the size I am. I know this is utterly ridiculous, but I can't stop thinking this way. I know, that being happy and confident in myself will attract guys better than when I feel down and insecure. Don't get me wrong, I don't need a man...I want one.
I also have my daughters to think about. I don't want to pass my bad habits and insecurities onto them. Also, I want them to be proud of me.
I want to walk into a room and not feel like everyone is looking at me thinking how big I am. Again, I know this is stupid, but I can't stop thinking this! It stops me doing things. I don't socialise as much as I should, for the fear of bumping into someone I know or seeing the pics of the night before, and having to hide them from my timeline to hide my embarrassment of how I looked!
The last thing...last weekend I was talking to my sister in law. I always put things off and say 'when I lose the weight and feel confident again I will...' We were talking about a guy I really like, and I said, I can't, I will when I feel confident again blah blah, and she turned around and said what if you never lose the weight. When I got home that evening, it really played on my mind. I realised that I've been saying this for a couple of years now, and why would she believe that I'll ever do it?! Well, I am going to do it! By Christmas, I will be happy and confident, and show everyone I did do it!

Sorry for the long post, but needed to get it all out!

It starts today!!


  • nicjbar73
    nicjbar73 Posts: 47 Member
    hey there! if u want to add me nicjbar73. there are so many things u can do to break this cycle ur in;)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Dont start without knowing and unerstanding what you are doing and without a view to finishing.
    Clearly you have a number of false starts as well as previous attempts. learn from this about whaere you were going wrong before so you dont repeat it again. Doing it doesnt mean you instantly have to start dieting, preparation is just as importnat and will pay off in the long run. Things like getting some kitchen scales, learning to log your food and formulating a plan will all increase your chance of success.

    You will also need to learn some patience and to be realistic about the task ahead. Good luck.
  • tinals2012
    tinals2012 Posts: 3 Member
    I know how to track, I know what to eat and how to be realistic. I am an emotional eater and will 'reward' myself with food at any opportunity. I am on my own every night after 6.30pm as that's when kids go up. Boredom is a big factor! But I can do it, as I've done it before!
  • Bctyummum
    Bctyummum Posts: 14 Member
    Good luck x