
I am in a slight dilema at the moment. On Friday I have a wedding to go to with my hubby, when I started MFP back in January I wanted to loose 1 stone by the wedding on 3 June, well not only have I hit that small target I went over it by another 6 pound so I feel great that I am down a dress size for the wedding. But it is a set sit down meal with drinks and then drinks and snacks on the evening. I am wondering if it hurts to have blow-outs?


  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Don't worry about the extra calories that day. Things like this come up enjoy it. You won't magically gain 5 lbs. from one meal. Enjoy as moderately as possible and get back on track the next day. You may find that if you way over do it that you end up feeling ill, which is why I suggest eating more moderately. Have a few drinks if you'd like but make sure to drink water in between and don't waste calories on things you won't truly enjoy.

    Have a wonderful time at the wedding. Congrats on not only reaching your goal but going beyond that!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I wouldnt worry about it either, a day or 2 wont make any difference. You have done so well, I wouldnt get worried about 1 day.

    I have 'blow outs' all the time - but thats at home! I ahve no will power some days.,x
  • baumhoff
    baumhoff Posts: 30
    I agree!!! You have to live your life.....we have to look at this as a new way of eating not a temporary diet!!! I also agree..."moderation"...I don't think you'll blow-out like you think you will. Remember the most important part is that you are having a good time....don't make it all about the food. At least that is how I would approach it! Great job on meeting your goal and getting a new/smaller dress!!!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    It's a celebration. Go and have a good time. Get back on track after.
  • Rae9911
    Rae9911 Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks guys I really appreciate your input, I don't drink much anyway but will enjoy a couple of glasses the main thing I was worried about was the food so therefore I am going to enjoy myself and what will be will be. Next day just go back to watching everything and exercising as normal.