New to Weight/strength exercises

I'm coming up on 8 months on my journey on MFP (progress updates coming soon!), have made strides in my nutrition and exercise and am seeing some positive changes in my weight and body. I've really been focusing on cardio exercises (walking, jogging, elliptical, statinary bike and swmming) but now, after reading several articles, I think I need to start incorporating some weight training/strength exercises to help with toning. I have no idea where to start and don't want to either hurt myself or look like an idiot in the gym. I have a set of free weights at home (1, 2, 5 pounds, I think). Would appreciate some suggestions/advice.


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Shape, Self, and Women's Health magazines (and online) are great for SHOWING you work outs. Go buy a magazine or go to their websites for routines. You can search any body part on Shape and Self, I know for sure, and find a work out. Some use resistance bands, bosu balls, but most are just free weights. They tell you which # of lbs to start with but you can start lower if you're worried about straining your first strength work out. Good luck!
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    I personally love Oxygen magazine. It always has great advice and tips for people who are just starting out and those who have been into weight training for years. Most months the magazine includes home workouts as well as those suited for the gym. Check it out.
  • eagles0080
    eagles0080 Posts: 15
    what gym do you go to? do they offer any kind of weight training class or is there anyone there you cvould as for some help?

    the key is going to be to start light and build as your stregnth increases...never work the same muscle group 2 days in a row, and never work your muscles to the point of fatigue.

    I lift 3-4 days a week...LOTS of weight because I'm trying to build not weights is a good place to start ...try looking for some dvd's on stregnth training or maybe even netflix or your cable company has some free videos you could check out to get you started.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Start Simple. :[-)

    How many push-ups can you do? Start with one and keep trying to do a few more every other day. You'll be doing sets of 20-30 before you know it!

    Anything involving your body weight is a great place to start as well.

    Try some Free Squats - No weight, raise your arms in front of you for balance, and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, or as close as you can, keeping your feet flat on the floor the entire time.

    Split Squats/Lunges - Take one giant step forward facing straight ahead. Keep your chest and shoulders high and lower your back knee to the floor, keeping your weight over your forward foot.

    Cheers! :-)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    If you're a beginner, I would try a DVD like Jillian Michaels 30-day Shred. She goes over the exercises and you start with low weights. Then once you get better and become a little more advanced you can move up.
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. There's a local acquatic center that I swim at that also has a gym. Although they have lots of aerobics, spin, swimming classes, there aren't any strength/weight training classes, at least not yet. I will start asking some questions though, and hopefully do away with the feelings of being "over my head".
  • areno113
    areno113 Posts: 2
    I started out on Oxygen magazine and LOVE it. They recommended at book from Women's Health called "The Big Book of Exercises". I love it. Also, contrary to popular belief, weight training will help you burn fat faster. The more muscle you have, the leaner you will get and the faster your body will burn off the excess fat that it's holding onto.

    Get that book. It has workouts in the back and it shows you every exercise you could imagine and exactly how to do them. Let me know how it goes!!