Perceptions of Long Term Goals

msp1957 Posts: 3 Member
I'm 53 years old and an empty-nester. Change doesn't come easily....

I need to lose about 100 pounds. If done in a healthy fashion, this will take no less than a year and as much as 2 years.

I'm about to begin a career training program that will take 2 years to complete.

Why does the thought of taking 2 years to complete a training program for a new career seem like no big deal while the thought of taking the same amount of time to achieve a healthy body seem overwhelming?


  • marieisthecool
    marieisthecool Posts: 46 Member
    I'd guess it relates to what you feel you can and can not control.
  • brosehemian
    brosehemian Posts: 34 Member
    why don't' you try marrying the two. sometimes a compelte overhaul of your life is needed. tell yourself, "for this whole training program, i will live a healthy lifestyle." if your routine in terms of your career is going to be changing, why not change your excersize and nutrition routines as well. this is somthing that helped me. i just got back from my first year at college. the change from classes to summer job has helped me keep the change from drinking 2000 calories a night on weekends and eating carbs all day every day to going for walks and eating more produce.
  • Try and think of the weight loss in smaller goals. 100 lbs is a big goal and would seem overwhelming. Think about a 3 month goal - maybe 20 lbs. You will start to feel like you have a goal that you can achieve and once you've lost the 20 should feel a great accomplishment. You will feel better about yourself and will want more! Then you set the next goal for the next 3 months. Believe in yourself and you can do this!
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    weight loss didnt happen overnight so losing weight wont happen overnight either. I lost 24.3 lbs in my first year, fell off the wagon a little the 2nd year and gained back 2 lbs of the weight I had lost the year before, and now I'm working on my 3rd year. I had 20 lbs I wanted to lose by my 3rd year anniversary (feb 8th, 2012) and now I have lost 7.2 lbs of that so far :-D. I am proud of myself for working as hard as I can to lose the weight. I started my journey before I joined MFP so I lost 24.3 lbs on my own. I started MFP on March 29th with 1.7 lbs down already since Feb 8th of this year... so I have been on track :) (7.2-1.7 = 5.5 lbs on MFP). Good Luck!!!!
  • Kdoran73
    Kdoran73 Posts: 12 Member
    Change is scary. My mother has lost 70 pounds at 62 years old. Losing weight is about life style change. Don't think of it as dieting, think of it as clean eating. Join the gym or just get outside and walk. Losing weight is about balance, healthy eating, and excersice. Pack you meals with you everyday so you won't be tempted to eat out or grab a quick bite that is unhealthy for you. I bring my lunch bag every where with me.

    Good luck!!! You can do it.
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