Exercise-induced rhinitis (allergy symptoms after HIIT Running)

Is there anyone else who has this issue? I am ok for most of my workouts and have little to no issues. It is when I try to do my HIIT running (High Intensity Interval Training) that I have an issue. It kills me literally makes me feel like crap my nose runs non-stop, my head starts pounding, and my sinuses are painful after, I think it would be ok if it was just a little while but it will continue for hours after. I was wondering if anyone else has this issue and how do you treat it or help it? Anything you can do before the run that helps? I do use an allergy pill before I go with little to no help and sometimes I will pop another one after. I really don't want to stop doing my HIIT running but I may not have a choice if I can't find a solution.


  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    I have a lot of allegies & my congestion worsens considerably with exertion. My doctor recommended longer warm ups and cool downs and use of a netipot
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    I use allergy pills an inhaler and saline spray for various reactions. This said see your doc cause honestly something doesn't seem right with this.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I have a similar issue. On days that I have to be outside or bootcamps in the park I would be miserable after. I didn't have headaches but I would be stuffed up, coughing, congested, sneezing for the majority of the day after. What I do now that is different then I did before is neti pot on days I know I will be outside and it's really alleviated the problem.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited August 2015
    I always say "when I run, so does my nose." Where I live is usually pretty dry so I guess my nose feels like it needs to overcompensate for the dry air or something... except it also happens when the humidity is really high. It happens whenever I'm hiking, running or doing anything else strenuous for more than a very short period of time. I will say that mine doesn't sound quite as bad as yours as my nose only runs while I'm actively exercising. I don't have sneezing or much congestion during or after.

    I haven't really found a way to mitigate it that works consistently other than packing tissues or a cloth on my hikes and for long runs. I also suffer from allergies to grass but live somewhere that there isn't much of it, certainly not along the streets in my neighborhood where I run. I usually take an oral allergy pill daily and it makes no difference while I'm running, my nose runs regardless.
  • prettyleelee
    prettyleelee Posts: 236 Member
    Sorry I should have mentioned this is inside on a treadmill not running outside. I don't get the reaction when I do a regular run, Bootcamp, or WERQ.
  • erigann
    erigann Posts: 45 Member
    My allergy doctor did say absolutely no intense work outs after exposure to allergen because it makes your body react stronger. Maybe your near something that triggers an allergic response when you start breathing harder. I run outside with tissues usually because I'm allergic to all the trees, grass etc. I need to join a gym to try to reduce it, but I have to be just as careful of molds etc
  • prettyleelee
    prettyleelee Posts: 236 Member
    erigann wrote: »
    My allergy doctor did say absolutely no intense work outs after exposure to allergen because it makes your body react stronger. Maybe your near something that triggers an allergic response when you start breathing harder. I run outside with tissues usually because I'm allergic to all the trees, grass etc. I need to join a gym to try to reduce it, but I have to be just as careful of molds etc

    This has been happening for weeks. My gym is extremely clean they even white glove it. The only thing that I know I have allergies to is summer snow (cotton wood).
  • 1aprilk
    1aprilk Posts: 1 Member
    I have this happen when I use my elliptical at home. If I use over 20min I start sneezing & can't stop. It leads to horrible sinus issues.
    If I workout at gym there's no issue. It's so strange. I tested negative for allergies the dr said its rhinitis. I take Dymista now. I can do 20 min on elliptical without sneezing,but I still have burning.
    I just exercise outside or gym now
  • vlefler
    vlefler Posts: 2 Member
    I take Dymista, too, which helps non-allergy rhinitis. I also take a Benadryl before harder cardio and allow myself longer time to progress (e.g., increasing running distance 5% rather than 10% each week). A neti pot or saline wash is good for me if the symptoms set on. Before being prescribed Dymista, Benadryl was the only effective medicine for my constant "allergies." Now, I take Benadryl much less frequently.
  • prettyleelee
    prettyleelee Posts: 236 Member
    Ok thanks I will be looking into getting some Dymista and hope that it works. I was absolutely miserable after my run yesterday for the rest of the night. I in no way shape or form want that to continue after a workout I get being sore and anything else but this this is horrible.