
m3bbbp Posts: 15 Member
creatine does it help to cut body fat ?


  • HankD50
    HankD50 Posts: 49 Member
    edited August 2015
    Creatine does not cut body fat. The simple way to put it is, Creatine helps your muscle have more energy during strength training. With more energy you are able to do more reps or lift heavier weight. That means more gains over time if you are taking creatine.
  • m3bbbp
    m3bbbp Posts: 15 Member
    Ok thanks do you know if there a certain amount of time you should take it for?
  • HankD50
    HankD50 Posts: 49 Member
    Some people cycle it and others take it constantly. Any answers I gave you would be only my personal opinion. I do not cycle it.
  • HankD50
    HankD50 Posts: 49 Member
    I will tell you, of all the supplements on the market, creatine is one of the few that has been proven to do what the makers claim.
  • m3bbbp
    m3bbbp Posts: 15 Member
    Brilliant I've been taking it for a couple of weeks for the first time thanks for the advise