Need to lose 10lbs 10X

I don’t like saying that I have 100lbs to lose so I say 10lbs 10X instead LOL. I’d love to say that it’s all from the baby I had 3 months ago but sadly, only about 20lbs is from that. Anyway, I’ve been on MFP since 2013 and at that time lost 50lbs but ultimately gained it all back so here I am again trying to get healthy, with an extra motivation this time (my daughter) which hopefully will help me stay on track this time! I’ve tried to explain counting calories to my husband in an effort to obtain support from him but even though he supports me, he doesn’t seem to get the concept for some reason (like adding butter to potoatoes and assuming I either don't count that or that I could count an unknown amount of butter) so I’d like you add some of you folks that have a similar journey ahead of you. Thanks!!
