Breastfeeding Mommas?

I am looking for moms who are breastfeeding to keep each other motivated, exchange tips and recipes etc. I am breastfeeding my 7 week old and have about 15 pounds to lose. I'm not sure how many calories I should be eating to lose weight but I'm starting at 1800 to see how that goes. Feel free to add me as a friend!


  • hed39136
    hed39136 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm EBF my 8 week old! I am not sure about calorie requirements to keep my supply up and still lose... All I know is I need to eat cleaner and exercise more! I have at least 20 to lose. Congrats!!!
  • healthychops_gets_fit
    healthychops_gets_fit Posts: 35 Member
    Hey you can add in breastfeeding in the food - eg in snacks search foods for breastfeeding. It -500 for exclusively feeding and -300 for mixture of milk and solids! So usually if your little one is over 6 months. I try not to drop below 1800 calories as I have heard it can effect your milk. Plus I try to burn 500 calories a day in exercise. Add me we can help each other xx
  • adawn1981
    adawn1981 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! Thanks for the tip! Hopefully we can all help each other out :)
  • sjmitchner
    sjmitchner Posts: 121 Member
    Hi! I'm a first time mom doing my best to exclusively pump for my son (suppliment with formula rarely). He is 5 weeks 6 days old. Would have loved to breastfeed directly but he had problems latching and now I'm back to work. I've lost at least 14lbs since his birth, can't remember for sure what my weight was at the end of my pregnancy. My biggest struggle has been hydration. But I think I've got that figured out. Haven't started exercising yet, but my job is very active.
  • scriptie
    scriptie Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! EBF my almost 6 week old, started two weeks ago on mfp, calories set to 1750... No drop in supply that I can tell. Hope this is a reasonable calorie goal to lose weight!
    Good luck mamas!
  • emisomer
    emisomer Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! My daughter is 5.5 months old and I am breastfeeding with maybe one little meal of solids per day for practice/fun. Just started to get serious about losing weight (I have about 30-35 lbs to lose) and am trying to balance keeping calories up enough for milk production. I got a Garmin vívofit 2 this past weekend to help motivate me to move more. I'd love to have (and contribute to) the support of other mamas. I also have an almost 4-year-old son. Please add me!
  • pscrivner7
    pscrivner7 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am bf and supplementing my 5month old son. I have 30lbs to lose, but I am afraid to alter my diet much bc he has had such trouble gaining weight already. I gave up bread already, trying LCHF. He is so clingy and needy, though that I can't go to the gym or even for a walk bc he cries the ENTIRE time he's in his carseat. Not complaining, just wonder if there are any other Moms out there in my predicament. Do you seem to spend all day just feeding your baby? Btw-this is my 5th child, not a FTM.
  • doxxies
    doxxies Posts: 2 Member
    Breastfeeding mom to a 12 week old baby girl. Formula rarely due to her throwing up & my supply can't keep up
  • NyeMye
    NyeMye Posts: 138 Member
    Hi fellow breastfeeders. I'm in the same boat. It can be hard to balance counting calories and breastfeeding but it's definitely possible. This is my third time doing it. ☺ I think it's a great idea to motivate and support each other.
  • Hchipmanj
    Hchipmanj Posts: 30 Member
    Breastfeeding mom of a 8 month year old, I'm doing 1350 calories and haven't seen a drop in my supply at all I just eat small snack when I feel tired or hungry (peanuts, vegis, fruit) I tried doing 1800-1500 but didn't see a loss of weight. I do eat more if I feel I need to as long as its not over 1500
  • kinu21_82
    kinu21_82 Posts: 116 Member
    Breastfeeding mom to a 7 month old. My calorie goal is set to 1690. Until now I didn't think much about the weight I have to lose... Starting this month, I've started to watch what I eat and I try to get at least 10000 steps a day. This is indeed a great idea to motivate each other. Please free to add me.
  • Elisabuffy19
    Elisabuffy19 Posts: 130 Member
    Breastfeeding mom to my 10 week old son. I am 5'9'' and have about 8 more lbs to go. I have been using MFP seriously again after giving birth and have had success losing at about 1800 cals per day. I actually set my goal for 1400 and then add in breastfeeding as an exercise. Let's keep each other motivated! I have an open diary and would love new friends. :)
  • Elisabuffy19
    Elisabuffy19 Posts: 130 Member
    pscrivner7 wrote: »
    Hi I am bf and supplementing my 5month old son. I have 30lbs to lose, but I am afraid to alter my diet much bc he has had such trouble gaining weight already. I gave up bread already, trying LCHF. He is so clingy and needy, though that I can't go to the gym or even for a walk bc he cries the ENTIRE time he's in his carseat. Not complaining, just wonder if there are any other Moms out there in my predicament. Do you seem to spend all day just feeding your baby? Btw-this is my 5th child, not a FTM.

    Hi, both of my kids sound similar, especially my first. Is this your first baby who screams in the car? My second also screams in the car/car seat and it is stressful but we still have to go places every day with my older daughter.
    Some things I have noticed- feeding all day helps with the weight loss ;-), and wearing both of my kids almost all day stopped them from fussing snd helped me lose weight. Good luck!!
  • Enny2405
    Enny2405 Posts: 97 Member
    Just reading all these helpful comments, my baby is 3 weeks old (born at 34 weeks) and we are being released from hospital tomorrow and I just wanted to read up on what I should be eating calorie wise for when I get home. I will be breastfeeding exclusively. Would love some like minded people to add as friends.
  • loumay34
    loumay34 Posts: 18 Member
    hi my baby is four months, just starting to get into trying to do some form of exercise other than walking and playing with my older children.... not easy to resit those snacks when you have not enough sleep... great tp hear everyone's story.
  • Julia10morgan33
    Julia10morgan33 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, I have a 2 month old baby boy and I am exclusively BF. I am trying to lose 30 lbs, Ive been doing light yoga and walking to burn some calories. I have been eating healthy for several weeks but its all to no avail :/ I am finding loosing weight while breast feeding to be difficult.
  • KateMonster924
    KateMonster924 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi ladies!! I am bf my 7 week old. I am very frustrated because all I heard was bf will make the pounds melt off. I had a goal to lose 20 lbs before my 6 week ob appointment-which I did. I lost 20 lbs due to morning sickness and pneumonia in my pregnancy. I gained that back and 13 more lbs. At the end of my pregnancy I was 13lbs heavier than 9 months prior....however I never lost the baby weight from my daughter who is 8 years I still have a long way to go! Lol

    Anyway I am very frustrated because I eat well and I run 5 miles 4x a week and the scale has not budged. In fact it goes up 2 lbs and then back down...I keep going, but I've just wanted to throw in the towel so bad lately.

    I am always looking for motivation, feel free to add me!

    I would also like friends on Fitbit
  • adawn1981
    adawn1981 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello, I have a 2 month old baby boy and I am exclusively BF. I am trying to lose 30 lbs, Ive been doing light yoga and walking to burn some calories. I have been eating healthy for several weeks but its all to no avail :/ I am finding loosing weight while breast feeding to be difficult.

    Losing weight while BFing is hard for me too. I never lost the last 10 from my oldest and I BF her for a year. Then I got pregnant again! I barely gained with him so I've lost that but I still need to lose at least 10. I'm so hungry while BF!
  • Julia10morgan33
    Julia10morgan33 Posts: 11 Member
    I've got a lot to go, I gained 53 lbs while pregnant, that's is alot for my small frame. I lost 25 right after the baby came and still need to lose about 30lbs. It's going to be rough, I've never had to lose this much, but I am motivated to do so!
  • mpowell787
    mpowell787 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new to mfp. I am Ebf my 6 week old son and also have a 2.5 year old daughter. I lost weight quickly after my daughter and not so quickly this time (so far). I have 15 lbs left to pre pregnancy weight but am most concerned about toning up and getting my fitness back. In the past, I ran and strength trained. I'm going to start short videos and walking/running this week. I also enjoy horseback riding and just went for my first ride in 9+ months in Sunday. My legs are sore!

    My daughter was a needy baby and baby wearing was my lifesaver. It is hard to be healthy when you are tired and just trying to survive. Wishing you all the best and feel free to add me.