I need some friends...SUPPORT PLEASE!!!!

meeshu1976 Posts: 13 Member
I'm feeling very discouraged this week. I just posted a blog about hating scales. I'm about to throw the damn thing out!!! I was thinking about throwing my measuring tape out too.

I'm still new at this and it would be awesome if I could find some people to help support me and I can also encourage others as well!

I know I need to keep my head up and stay motivated...it's just so hard to do it.

Help please!!!!


  • Marcieb21
    Marcieb21 Posts: 127 Member
    Hang in there, the first few weeks can be really hard, trust me I know. But you can do it!!
  • mommiedawn
    mommiedawn Posts: 53 Member
    you should be my buddy, you sound like me on certain days. but on most days I'm pretty positive. don't catch me around the time of the month though!!! lol

    I'll say what you'll hear a lot. don't weigh too often. concentrate on what you are eating and let your focus be on calories in and burned. give it time. it really will work!
  • Hi there, I know it can be hardwork but the success at the end of the tunnel is worth the frustration. I HATE WATER but I am drinking 10 cups a day and flushing this out. I will support you because I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!! You are going to love yourself later. If I can do it I know you can!! I am so out of shape.
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    Hey there! You're in the right place to make some motivating friends. Let's help each other stay on track and reach our day-by-day goals. Friend me if you'd like. It'll be a succesful friendship!
  • dorcry
    dorcry Posts: 10
    relax sister... It takes time and discipline to acheive a goal. BABY STEPS. I lost the weight and gained it so I know how you feel. I am loosing a pound to a half pound a week now and small progress is better than no progress. But I have to work out like a mad woman and eat healthy most days of the week.
  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    Hey! I'm here whenever you need me! Some days are definitely harder than others! Remember though that the tortoise, not the hare, won the race! It may be a slow process, but you don't even know how your body really is feeling inside! What are you doing for exercise? How is your nutrition? Message me! :) I can be your personal cheerleader!!
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    We all need friends! I am just starting out, but feel free to reach out any time!
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    I'm feeling very discouraged this week. I just posted a blog about hating scales. I'm about to throw the damn thing out!!! I was thinking about throwing my measuring tape out too.

    I'm still new at this and it would be awesome if I could find some people to help support me and I can also encourage others as well!

    I know I need to keep my head up and stay motivated...it's just so hard to do it.

    Help please!!!!

    You can do it!! Feel free to add me as a friend. I will cheer you on.
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    I know it gets really frustrating, but stick with it - you will get to your goals!!! It just takes time and I know how you feel, it doesn't happen as quickly as we want it to! Feel free to add me if you like, I am on every day!! :happy:
  • dorcry
    dorcry Posts: 10
    I love the reward system on the response above. I am going to do that.
  • msminyon
    msminyon Posts: 32 Member
    Dawn I love your goal setting here.
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself, it is difficult at times! But hey, grab yourself a load of friends on here & we'll support & help you through.

    Good luck - keep smiling :bigsmile:

  • Franola27
    Franola27 Posts: 30
    You are doing exactly the right thing for yourself and doing the right thing is always a challenge! Stay the course, take the drawbacks just as well as you take the successes and understand that it is small steps not giant leaps! You can do this!!!
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