Today's back workout!

Tuesday 8/4
Back workout:

4 sets of wide grip pull-ups to failure

Dumbbell rows
120 for 8 x2
130 for 7x2

Bent over barbell rows reverse grip
135 for 15
225 for 6x3
135 for 12

Seated row machine
180 for 15
270 for 10 x2
320 for 7

Close grip cable pull downs
180 for 12
160 for 12x2
140 for 13

Wide grip lower lay pull downs
60 for 12 x4

Reverse grip pull downs
140 for 12x3

Wide grip barbell curls
70 for 12x3

Lower back extensions
Body weight for 20x3


  • rmitchell239
    rmitchell239 Posts: 125 Member
    Nice workout, thats about 2 hours?
  • sjohnson__1
    sjohnson__1 Posts: 405 Member
    Nice workout, thats about 2 hours?

    Doubtful, looks to me like he's going for hypertrophy when training back, and thus likely to have shorter rest periods between sets. I would guess 75-90 mins.

  • sjohnson__1
    sjohnson__1 Posts: 405 Member
    Solid work, Brian.
  • Mandyrose1983
    Mandyrose1983 Posts: 86 Member
    Very impressive!!! Good job
  • brian_m22
    brian_m22 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you everyone! My workouts do start slow. I try to get the heavier compound workouts in first allowing more time in between sets to rest. Followed by the "glamour" exercises at the end which are higher rep, less rest. About 20-30 seconds.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    edited August 2015
    You should consider writing a blog for your daily workouts! It would make it easy for people who want to follow you and see what you've done every day in one place.

    *you might like it too, because you can scroll down and will see all of your posts in order.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Very strong, not very many people on this planet could do that workout
  • brian_m22
    brian_m22 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone for the kind words!