Looking for friends 55 and older

I'd like to add some friends in the 55 and older age groups that have similar goals as mine...lose a few pounds, get into better shape and have a more active lifestyle.


  • tzaug2
    tzaug2 Posts: 13 Member
    jesse1952, I just turned 55 and have about 45lbs to lose, weighing most I've ever....post menopausal with I swear no metabolism.....could use the support and encouragement....
  • jocm2225
    jocm2225 Posts: 6 Member
    I am over 55 and looking to lose 60 lbs. Any good ideas are greatly appreciated!!
  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
    Waves at the 55 +ers. Also 55, feel free to add. There is an over 50 group on here as well. Send me a message and I'll try to send you the link.
  • janbug3
    janbug3 Posts: 2 Member
    also in the 55+group. Need motivation to keep going and finally stick to something.I have 50lbs. I'd like to lose and I would like to keep healthy.
  • BethAnnRichmond
    BethAnnRichmond Posts: 20 Member
    edited August 2015
    52 1/2 and still "enjoying" the foggy brain, chunky middle, low/non-existent metabolism. HOWEVER - I've given myself a swift kick and decided to make some changes. I would love to support/encourage each other along our journey! :) I'm going to add y'all as "pals" (is that what you call it?!), if you don't mind.
  • tzaug2
    tzaug2 Posts: 13 Member
    I think it'great to have such support.... Especially going thru and dealing with this non-existant metabolism, hot flashes and all that fun! Did well, got the water in today and 30 min on treadmill...
  • ozkid50
    ozkid50 Posts: 3 Member
    34 year retired hairdresser and now have driven school bus for 19 years,so I went from standing all day to sitting all day. I am 65 got my Humana Insurance and I have quit smoking 4 years ago so in this process I have gained 60 pounds. Have to lose this,passed right on the line of my physical for my CDL because of my weight so I have two years to get this off before my next one. Went to my doctor got all checked out had blood work cholesterol is a little above normal so she said it can be done with weight loss and excersice. Would love to give support to others who are in the same boat and to get support myself. We can do this.
  • ju1ie2026
    ju1ie2026 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 58 soon to be 59, I'm losing weight so I can have surgery, bariatric surgery, as I started at 27 stone in February, I am now 26ish (can't weigh myself as to heavy for scales) I need encouragement to keep going, I know that it sounds strange losing weight to have surgery to lose weight but I can only usually about 2 stone before I stick and dont lose any more. Hope your support will keep me on the right track xx