just starting-- former ww member

estherpris Posts: 2 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
hello- just wanted to say i came on board yesterday because i have been looking for a site like this. struggled with changing from old ww program to the new current one and became frustrated because i am so short and so i started counting calories. i believe that this site looks like what i need to remain committed to my healthy weight goals.


  • beckyobsm
    beckyobsm Posts: 44 Member
    I used to go to WW too. I don't know anything about the new program. I joined here because a friend encouraged me to do and I was tired of paying for WW and not 100% committing. That's my biggest struggle right now.... I am stress eating and typically every day I cave at least a little bit. I know that I'm just cheating myself, yet don't seem to stop!
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    Welcome, and good luck with your goals. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you need support and motivation.
  • cpumeu
    cpumeu Posts: 89
    welcome! You will love this place! I have learned so much here...its been a slow weight loss but honestly...l.know this will be the right way to keep it off! Welcome again. friend me if you want someone to motivate you and encourage you!
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    hey I am the same as you I could not get going with t he new program and was stuck I find this site refreshing! I started losing again too, it seems less pressure to me geel free to friend me!
  • VeroM1234
    VeroM1234 Posts: 84 Member
    Same thing for me!!!!

    Old WW member and I started MFP yesterday!

    I loveee it!!!! :))
    KIMBELKOWSKI Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! I too am a former WW member and I have fallen in LOVE with this site! To me this site makes losing weight fun! LOL!!! I too wad getting very frustrated with the WW program and I find this to be a very welcome change and so easy to do and stick with! I have been on this site for 8 weeks now and I have lost 25 pounds to date!!! The people you will meet here are so awesome and have great advice to give! Feel free to friend me if you would like a weight-loss buddy as we continue on our weight-loss journey!
  • kdelost630
    kdelost630 Posts: 196 Member
    Same here! The new PointsPlus threw me off after using WW for over a year. This site just makes more sense because you're not imagining points, you're just counting calories. Plus, I find it works much better. Welcome and feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • djamador
    djamador Posts: 20 Member
    I also started this and left WW because of the "new" program. I couldn't get into it as I did before. I lost 60 pounds on the "old" WW plan and didn't lose anything in 4 months on the "new" plan.
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    I also started this and left WW because of the "new" program. I couldn't get into it as I did before. I lost 60 pounds on the "old" WW plan and didn't lose anything in 4 months on the "new" plan.

    the same with me I had 86 pound loss then the holidays came but once I recommitted no loss in 4 months I thought why I am I paying for this! I like counting calories better and I lost 4 lbs in my first 3 weeks on this site!
  • StephanieLPN
    StephanieLPN Posts: 11 Member
    WW was my last diet attempt, I got very frustrated with the points, I was on the new program. My biggest gripe about WW was that if you purchased the smart ones meals, they really weren't all that healthy or even points friendly really. I didn't like how they didn't use whole grains etc...on top of paying for it. So, I had heard about myfitnesspal and figured, really what do I have to loose??
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    I also started this and left WW because of the "new" program. I couldn't get into it as I did before. I lost 60 pounds on the "old" WW plan and didn't lose anything in 4 months on the "new" plan.

    Wow...same with me. Been following the new WW plan since Jan and in 5 mths I lost nothing...I did gain though! UGH! My friend told me about MFP and I do love it. It makes sense to me and I do feel more support here then I did on the WW boards. Welcome and feel free to add me as a friend if you wish!
  • heartmn63
    heartmn63 Posts: 4
    I too used to use WW. Several of my friends still are using it and after watching all the figuring they have to do for calculating their food..I said nope not for me. My sister mentioned this site. Although I haven't done the greatest job of eating only my certain amount of calories...it is easy to record things here. I do read the message boards often...but this is the first time I have ever commented on any messages. I have a long way to go in losing weight. I started at 225 lbs. I keep losing and gaining the same 2 pounds over and over...but this time it seems to be working better. Good luck with your adventure.
  • knash920
    knash920 Posts: 1
    I just started MFP today. I was also a former WW member. I lost. I gained after I quit. I wasn't willing to pay any longer for the frustration when the plan changed. This way, my daughter can lose along with me. :) If you need a "pal" to chat with or cheer you on, let me know! GOOD LUCK!
  • tonjay1
    tonjay1 Posts: 33
    Welcome aboard! I am a former WW member several times over. I was a member a couple of months ago. I am not a fan of the new program. I added this application to my phone in April but never used it. I decided to log onto the website last Wednesday for the first time. I absolutely love it. It has given me so much support. I hope that you will find the same. Good Luck!
  • jangeliz
    jangeliz Posts: 6 Member
    I am a former Weight Watcher member, also. I just couldn't make to the meetings and needed the $40 a month to help pay for high gasoline! Feel free to add me as a friend. This is an excellent site to keep up with calories and exercise. Good luck with MFP! Judith
  • tab143
    tab143 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm new to! I'm here for you all the way!
  • ldando
    ldando Posts: 8
    Ex ww member too! Haven't tried the new plan, just couldn't face paying the fees when I couldn't stay for the meetings because of the kids! I'd have to just weigh and go which I didn't think was worth it. My husband found this site on his I phone and I love it. I log everything and it's great seeing how much difference your exercise actually makes!! I have to admit my food choices aren't always the best and I do still have my "bad days"!! But even on these days I seem to only go over my calories a small amount! and the weight is coming off even if it is slowly! :)
    Having friends on here helps a huge amount even if its just seeing how they're getting on! When they do well it makes you want to do the same! Feel free to add me if you like :) Good luck
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    I did WW too! The old points program! Not PointPlus.. That seems too complicated for me! It cost so much to continue the program though and as a teenager, I was the only one my age group that attended meetings and my support system dropped out.. so it was just me! I still keep some of the things I learned, like how to be conscious of food labels and the importance of fiber, but I'm so glad to be doing MFP to try out a free, motivational way! Feel free to add me for support, because I know it's been interesting switching mindsets from WW to MFP!
  • pvesey
    pvesey Posts: 55 Member
    I also was a long time WW member. I always had a slow but steady weight loss until the new Points Plus program. I stopped losing weight and I then I stopped making the effort to attend meetings. Why pay out the money each month if I wasn't committed? A friend told me about MFP and I have loved it. It makes losing weight fun, and I have met so many wonderful people who all have the same struggles to get to the same goal. I am back to losing slow but steady, Good luck!!! I would love to be friends. Send me a friend request. I checked your profile and it said it was private.
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