Hello, looking for friends and such...

Hi. Well, for the past 5 years I've been trying to lose weight. It never really worked out for me and in the past 5 years I've gained almost 100 pounds, including almost 40 in the past year after a life-threatening injury.

I began using this berth of MyFitnessPal yesterday (Monday), due to a sudden burst of motivation. I hope that losing 60+ pounds will help me with shyness, anxiety, and depression. I'm very in confident and i think that has contributed to me always failing my attempts at weight loss. Thanks for reading, and you can add me as a friend if you want.


  • AvaReneMari
    AvaReneMari Posts: 32 Member
  • vlovell24
    vlovell24 Posts: 61 Member
    Oh, I know all about what injury can do. I ripped my Achilles right off of my calf muscle. 7 months of no walking will do things to you for sure. I am new too, so however you add people, you are more than welcome to add me.