Changing My Thoughts

Hey guys, so I just got started here a few days ago. I'm being intentional about my food choices, but I caught myself feeling a little anxiety already about weighing myself this weekend. This isn't my first time losing weight. My last time, I got so frustrated because I was certain that I was tracking all that I ate and I exercised and I would either gain, or not lose anything. So I am trying to get myself into a positive mentality that this is a fresh start. That was then, this is now. I'm working on changing my thoughts, replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts. What do you do when this comes up?


  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    If weighing yourself generates anxiety, then don't weigh yourself more than, say, once a month.

    I weigh myself every 2-3 days out of curiosity, write it down once a week, but only put my weight into MyFitnessPal if it is lower than it was the last time I entered my weight.

    Due to the ups and downs of water retention, the scale is best used for overall trends in weight rather than seeing how much actual weight you lose from one day (or week) to the next.
  • SimplyMicheleR
    SimplyMicheleR Posts: 89 Member
    I remind myself that health is not a number. I have friends that are heavier than me, but healthier. My goal is to get healthier, and the number on the scale is one measurement of this.