Looking for accountability and motivation

Put myself back on mfp on Monday. Dud great Mon morning and afternoon, but mom had brought home Gellato, and I completely lost it. Planned and entered my meal plan this am, did great til we went out to dinner this evening. I get the same thing always at this place, which includes a dessert, and of course I ordered that and ate it without hesitation. I am so disgusted and disappointed with myself.

Here's by background....

It's been 8 months, and I have put the 30 +8lbs lost back on. Good news I know I can do, I did it before. If I can believe me you can too. Not to brag, it was pretty easy that time. The changing eating habits that is, I really didn't struggle. As far as the weight went it took about seven months, without working out. Problem is my eating habits have gotten ridiculously un-healthy and out of control. Portions, and foods of no value. Everyday for months as I watched my weight piling back on I would say, tomorrow, beginning next week....repeatedly. I so need to be healthy and fit. I'm thinking this time I must need an accountability buddy, or a group to report in to.
I'm 50yrs old 148lbs, working as a florist in a grocery store (hence the bad foods, retail hours, two for one Orio's, or fill in the two for one blank,excellent bakery.... So on). I would like to get down to around 115 - 120. So around 30 lbs again. Not much of an exerciser, but put a goal of 3 30 min body weight exercises with 2 days 30 min walks as my goal. I too had a picture taken, which totally scared me.
Any suggestions for help with accountability and motivation.
Also, would like to say to those new for the first time, MFP is an excellent tool for weight loss - especially when you faithfully use your food diary daily. And even more so when using your diary and planning your meals ahead....so why am I not able to get myself started? Everyday it's a tomorrow! Ridiculous!


  • 50andhappy8464
    50andhappy8464 Posts: 10 Member
    So just wondering if anyone might be interested to work on this together...