44 fat and frumpy

Hi really looking to add a few friends, newbys also to support each other but also those experienced to help keep me motivated. I've put on around 45lb in 3 years, needing to lose around 75lb-though I've yet to step on the scales in recent months, could be more.

Just turned 44-clothes don't fit & I'm struggling with basic walking more than a few minutes. Not a good example to my teenage kids. I know what to do (eat less move more) just feel rather alone with it. Emotional eating is a problem!

Any support appreciated & I promise to be there for others too with whatever I can help with.

Thank you.


  • Daisyhatespeach
    Daisyhatespeach Posts: 51 Member
    I am 40 and felt the same way. I have lost just 18.5 lbs and I already feel so much better! I still have at least 59 more lbs to lose (I set my goal weight a little on the higher side). Let's be friends :)
  • nvrgvup12
    nvrgvup12 Posts: 51 Member
    I will be 40 in 2 weeks and this weight loss things keeps getting harder! Looking for lots of motivation and support!
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    You don't need to move too much to lose weight. You just need to eat less. If you eat more healthy your mood might pick up and you might find it easier but i know it can be hard. Since you seem to have emotional issues,why don't you get a counsellor. You can't really lose weight if you are fending off misery. You need to be in a happy place ot lose weight, unless you are are severely depressed, then its easy to lose weight but tends to come back on when you get well again.

    Generally speaking its easier to lose and maintain healthy weight if your mood is in a good place so sort that out and you will find the rest easier.
  • DarleneGauthier1
    DarleneGauthier1 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Laura!
    I am right here with you! But I finally made a choice to DO something instead of talking about it.
    It is a struggle, but after just a week and a half, I can tell you I feel better and my mental motivation is there. ANd being on here with all the other ladies and gents, keeps me accountable (my trainer is on here :-) Which I only have 1 time a week. So the rest is my responsibility. WE CAN DO THIS!
  • katyconn123
    katyconn123 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Laura, I'm 43 started my weight loss journey in Feb , I'm going at it slowly as it didn't go on fast I've lost 18lbs so far by just changing my eating habits and doing walking, I was so shocked when I started logging it really makes your realise how much extra we eat , your welcome to add as a friend for extra support
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
    Hi Laura! I'm almost 47 (eek!) and have about 15 pounds more to go.....I have lost 15 in about 3 months, slow and steady wins the race right?!? If I can give you any advice at all, it is to invest in a food scale and log all your food (the good, the bad and the ugly, lol). Weigh all your food, measure liquids. It is truly amazing the difference between say weighing a banana and just guessing it to be "medium" ~ feel free to add me, anyone on this post too! Nicole :)
  • neecinee
    neecinee Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all. I am in the same boat as most of you, 41 years old and finding it harder and harder to lose weight. I have almost 20 pounds to lose which doesn't sound like much, but I find at as I age, it takes more effort. This is not the first time for me to focus on losing weight. Regular excercise and recording my food intake to keep me accountable have been the most successful tips for me. I always remind myself as well, it took years to get here, it won't come off overnight! Lol! Be kind to yourself and accept it will take time to lose the weight but I guarantee if you stick to it, it will happen! :) denise
  • carmel199
    carmel199 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi I started this journey in late june its challenging but well worth it I have some weight but the inches are coming off quicker just in the change of my eating habits and adding exercise my plan is to add even more exercise to help this process along. You can do it just take one day at a time and don't beat yourself up if you stumble a time or two . Wishing you the best of luck smile:
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    i never had success losing weight until my 40s. lost a 100. and 100% @ dargytaylor. food scales ftw.
  • crucibleofwill
    crucibleofwill Posts: 37 Member
    Add me! I'm turning 43, I've lost 23 lbs so far out of the 45 I'm working towards. Could definitely use/be a motivation buddy. We can do it!
  • sarahhembra
    sarahhembra Posts: 40 Member
    Hi I'm 37 and feeling frumpy! Joints hurting,feeling tired etc. Time to turn it around before I hit the ground! We've all taken the first step and faced it. So let's do this!! All the best to you hun xx
  • amylee1129
    amylee1129 Posts: 2 Member
    Would love to have more friends on MFP! Would love some motivational friends to keep us all on the right track! I've been on an injury roller coaster and gained 22 lbs in the process. Looking to get to my pre-injury weight and beyond!
  • BasicGreatGuy
    BasicGreatGuy Posts: 857 Member
    Hi really looking to add a few friends, newbys also to support each other but also those experienced to help keep me motivated. I've put on around 45lb in 3 years, needing to lose around 75lb-though I've yet to step on the scales in recent months, could be more.

    Just turned 44-clothes don't fit & I'm struggling with basic walking more than a few minutes. Not a good example to my teenage kids. I know what to do (eat less move more) just feel rather alone with it. Emotional eating is a problem!

    Any support appreciated & I promise to be there for others too with whatever I can help with.

    Thank you.
    Obstacles (read: challenges) are really blessings in our life, if we will take that step forward to receive them.

    You have taken that first step, Miss Laura. You want better for yourself and you are taking action. Congratulations.

    Remember: Regardless of what the mirror or the scale shows, you are wonderfully you. Nobody else in this life can be the wonderful person that you are nor they can do the things that you can in your own way. When you look before you and see obstacles, think blessings.

    Weight is a temporary part of what you are right now. It is not who you are nor does your weight define you, regardless of how others may act or say.

    Be patient with yourself. Love yourself. Enjoy this new journey of your life, as it is about a complete lifestyle change for the better.

    I wish you the very best on your new transformation, Miss Laura. You can do it. :smile:

  • TamLam99
    TamLam99 Posts: 247 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I'm 46 and have lost 20 pounds so far. You will get a lot of motivation and good advice here.
  • bago08
    bago08 Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome. This is a great first step. Keeping track of what is going in and what is being burned has been a great education for me. Im down about 30 in 75 days. Breaking down the daily nutrients on top of just the calories has really helped me feel better. Hopefully you can see results rather quickly