post partum diet and exercise

Hi all, I'm five weeks post partum and can't wait to get a decent figure back lol! Since I had cesarean, waiting for my gp check and enjoying the chocolate til then! Got 4 stone to lose! Eeeek! Any other ladies battling post pregnancy weight loss?


  • Photomandy
    Photomandy Posts: 56 Member
    Hi Ruthie! Congrats on your new little sweetie! I'm also 5 weeks pp with weight to lose and bad "pregnant eating" habits to retrain. Feel free to friend me if you'd like another accountability friend!
  • Des0703
    Des0703 Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning! I am actually a year post postpartum and have had a hard time keeping myself accountable. I my goal is to lose 50lbs. I am currently looking for an accountability friend. Congratulations to you both on your new additions! :)
  • BriBerb
    BriBerb Posts: 2 Member
    I am 4 weeks postpartum and it's been a struggle to not exercise as much as I want to and to eat as healthy as I should. I find myself eating like I did when I was pregnant... Which is why I gained 50 lbs. I want my daughter to have a healthy outlook on life, and not struggle as I have in the past. Wish you all the best in your weight loss efforts and congrats on your new babies!
  • twid16
    twid16 Posts: 3 Member
    HI, I am 6 weeks post partum/c section. Got the all clear today from my doctor to start doing some light exercises again ! I've lost almost all of the weight gained during pregnancy but I'd really like to lose about 20lbs more. CW 174, GW 155 lbs.
    Add me if you'd like.
  • Heulitt26
    Heulitt26 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 10 weeks postpartum with my second child - I'm working out in 3 week sessions 7 days a week and have lost 24 lbs already but i am aiming for another 30lbs! Hoping to achieve it in good time! Any one of you ladies can friend me for support!
  • stephmofo
    stephmofo Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I am 4 weeks pp and need to lose 60 lbs! I need encouragement and meal ideas, if anyone wants to friend me
  • VallejoM14
    VallejoM14 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello (=
    I'm 5 weeks pp. I want to lose 25 lbs. I'm up for more friends if anyone wants to friend me :D
  • Woozer123
    Woozer123 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm almost 9 weeks pp/c-section with my first and although I've lost my pregnancy weight, I was chubby before and on/off MFP. I want to lose another 30lbs or so and am also hoping my belly will become a little less pouch like! Feel free to add me for some support :)
  • CourtneyMegan0519
    CourtneyMegan0519 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! Yes I'm 10 weeks post-partum also had a C-Section so I know how you feel! I have dropped 34 pounds as of today and have 17 more pounds to lose till I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight! Anyone can add me!