First 5k

So for a long time I have always wanted to do a 5k with my friends but also felt like I would never be able to run 3 miles and keep up with them. This time a around since I have been doing well with my weight loss I want to try to do one. (I know a 5k is really not a big deal to most)

My question is...what do I eat before I exercise/run? (I am downloading an app that helps you train for it)

Currently my weight loss exercise has been walking so it hasn't been high intensity.

My eating right now now consists of low carb and zero to very little sugar. I don't really snack during the day. I normally will eat breakfast before work, and then have lunch around 12:30 or 1pm, the by the time I leave for work around 4:00 I will start to feel hungry but I won't eat because I normally will eat dinner (around 6) when I get home.

So do I eat a small snack and then go exercise? if so what do you suggest to eat? I have a feeling trying to run or do intense exercise on hungry stomach isn't the best idea.


  • deannaaaaaaaaa
    deannaaaaaaaaa Posts: 238 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi! I usually try to not eat before I go for my after-work run. (Usually I just cook when I get back from the run, and I actually use my "run time" to decide what my body is really craving that night).

    However, sometimes I am starving from work and NEED to eat-- very small snacks that are filling include a pickle or two, a small scoop of cottage cheese, or a serving of almonds. Sometimes even just a glass of cold ice water is enough sustain me until after the run (or run/walk!)

    Small snacks like this are great for run/walk training sessions, but definitely are not going to fill you up before a race. Try a scoop of peanut butter with some fruit, half a power bar, oatmeal, etc. You dont have to go above 300 calories, even for a race.

    Hope this helps!

    edit: CONGRATS on your first 5k!
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    I run like the wind on pancakes and coffee!
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    You're running just over 3 miles you really don't need to worry about eating beforehand because you are talking about less than 30 minutes or so of running (are you definitely hungry or just dehydrated?) I feel like most people could run a 5k without training at all, maybe not fast but definitely finish it. I will sometimes work a 12 hour shift and go run without eating, I personally find it kills my appetite. If you absolutely need a snack try something light like a cheese stick or something you won't mind coming back up your throat the whole time you are running. Protein bar maybe? Tops you will burn maybe 200-300 calories running this far so you really probably don't need to eat extra just plan for a small snack or something.
  • apatel821
    apatel821 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys! I am pretty sure I can finish the 5k even if I don't run the whole thing. I am just feeling self conscious in a way because I am afraid of the what-ifs and what people will think. My friends as able to do it fast and quick no problem and I just don't want to be that lunk that is behind the group. So I feel like if I somewhat prepared for it, I will feel more confident in myself to do it. It is a self esteem thing with me
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Not sure where you live but if you're in the UK see if there is a parkrun local to you. There are over 200 around the UK all held at 9am on a Saturday morning and catering for all abilities (we have people who will run the 5k in less than 17mins and others that will take 45-50mins). You register on the parkrun website and get a barcode that you print out and take with you and after the run your time will be available on line. Your barcode stays with you and you can run any parkrun. Also free t-short for 50 runs and also for volunteering 25 times! I ran my first 5k at parkrun less than 2 years ago, this year I ran my first marathon. I've found parkrun friendly & welcoming regardless of ability and encouraged me to progress. Good luck and enjoy running :)
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,449 Member
    The great thing about runners is they never judge. Running is mostly about challenging yourself. No one in your group cares how fast your are. They care only that you are out there with them.

    Enjoy the experience and have fun. Even if you finished last there will still be folks there to cheer for you.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    Just wanted to say good luck! I am planning to run my first 5k in a couple of months.