my journey to gaining 30+ pounds

i started at height:5'7 weight:154.I started out lifting and using buffered creatine for a month since then i have put on 3 pounds(157).Then i downloaded this app and i just increased my calorie intake daily while still lifting daily.Im only 2 days in as far as the app but i will post my results in another 2 weeks to let you know how things are going.


  • tiffanyart3
    tiffanyart3 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, my fitness goals are pretty much the same. 2 days in on this app as well :) .. Good luck and Lets get it!!
  • alanwallace09
    alanwallace09 Posts: 4 Member
    Are your trying to gain 30 pounds?How much do you weigh now?
  • greg88rosen
    greg88rosen Posts: 49 Member
    If you manage to gain 30lb let me know how you did it!
    Was eating 4000 calories daily for a while but then realized how many calories I was burning during workouts. Now I'm at about 4500 and am finally starting to gain. 7LB so far in a few weeks without eating "unclean" foods .. Except some Oreos because they're delicious and make protein shakes bearable
    I'm now at 224Lb (started at 217) looking to get to 235 before leaning back out
  • alanwallace09
    alanwallace09 Posts: 4 Member
    well me having a fast metabolism i had to do some research before i started my journey because at times i could eat with the best of them but between me being active and having a fast metabolism i could nwver put on any weight.So here's what i found out,which actually made sense if u think about it.Me personally i work out 5 times a week but what i research was that with me having a fast metobolism i shouldnt be in the gym very long first off and that i should also focus on more weight less reps which also mades sense.When u think about it both of those make sense with less time in the gym but more weight with less reps the least calories i will burn off and the mpre lean muscle i will put on.I also started to cut back on the buffered creatine because i increased my calorie intake once downloading this app but i decided i will take only if i was under my calorie mark daily.Hopefully i could be some help/motivation for people like myself that have a hard time trying to put on some weight,best wishes.