No sugar/no dairy/no bread



  • kirstens1984
    kirstens1984 Posts: 96 Member
    I don't eat a lot of gluten, and tend to drink almond / coconut milk as I prefer the taste (I still have yogurts and chocolate though so I've not cut out dairy completely). I've got the following books / websites which are fab:

    - (she has a book also which you can get on Amazon called Get the Glow which I would recommend)
    - The Detox Kitchen Bible
    - Hemsley & Hemsley

    All give good ideas along the gluten / dairy free diet.

    I tend to find something that is a good replacement - e.g. with pasta I replace it with "chickpea fusilli" which is made with just chickpeas and water - I buy it online (I'm in the UK). It's half the calories of pasta, lower carb, higher protein and really tasty. I actually prefer it now to proper pasta.

    I only reduce my gluten as I find I get bloated if I have a lot and also the replacements are lower calories so allow me bigger portions within my daily calorie goal :) bonus!

    Hope that helps!
  • loverunbefit
    loverunbefit Posts: 22 Member
    Hey love, add me! I also cut out most added sugars, and bread. I'm also dairy free!
  • MalachyT
    MalachyT Posts: 9 Member
    I also had have fibromyalgia, and cut out wheat, sugar, dairy and FODMAPS about 5 weeks ago. Since then, I have more energy, my inflamation and skin problems are greatly reuduced and I am more active. I have reduced my weight by 7.5kg and no longer craving or snacking between meals. My pain symptoms have not alterered but I feel a lot more motivated and positive each day seeing my acheivements on MFP. I am also sleeping all night for the first time in years. I found a lot of good recipies searching for FODMAP friendly food websites and apps, and in Sue Shepherd's books.
  • adpo2015
    adpo2015 Posts: 1 Member
    Have a look at Lots of wheat, dairy, refined sugar (and pretty much everything) free recipes. ;-) There's a bit of a hype and commercial vibe developing around her blog lately, but if you can ignore that there's some interesting ideas for meals. Not a huge fan of the "pastry" recipes as the brownies for example don't taste anything like a real brownie, but the hearty recipes (e.g. butternut squash curry) and snacks (such as energy bites) are nice.
  • rhonda71901
    rhonda71901 Posts: 25 Member
    I also have removed refined sugar from my diet since I was told I had type II diabetes. No sugar, low carb... I do occasionally have sugar free whole grain wheat bread but I also eat lots of fruits (berries, pears etc.) and veggies with protein. Carbmaster yogurt works for me also. Adding refined sugars, such as a tablespoon on your grape nuts cereal is much different than eating half a fresh pear or apple!!! I now take NO diabetic medication and have lost over 60 lbs.