Skinny bodies support group

just wanted to check in with an update on my uphill battle to gain weight. A huge realization that I have discovered is, you must put in the work every second of everyday. Financial limitations definitely affect the challenge of gaining mass, along with emotional stress from the loss of four wonderful friends who passed away in a fatal car accident. I want to jump back on the saddle and buckle down again to gain weight. Something I've noticed is hydration goes a long way. I struggle to drink enough fluids. Snacking throughout the day is a must also. Preplanning meals and workout regimens seem to be nessisary as well. We will see what is to come in the near future. Tune in!


  • Doulatron
    Doulatron Posts: 5 Member
    So sorry to hear about your friends; that's such a tragedy. I hope you're getting the support you need through that.

    One place I have some experience is with difficulty getting enough liquids. There's a water drinking app that's really helped me in the past. It puts a minor gamification theme on getting the water you need, simply be keeping track and making you want to get your "gold star" for finishing. Maybe it can help you too.

    Good luck.