About me

Sarahbearrzz Posts: 4 Member
edited August 2015 in Introduce Yourself
hi. Long story short: I hit rock bottom in life and reached my highest weight of 230lbs. I come changed my life on October 5, 2014 and dropped 50 lbs in 6 months...it took me another couple months to lose 10 more lbs. Now I'm at 60lbs down but I want to keep losing weight. In October, I started 100% clean eating and going to bootcamp class 6 days a week. Now I think my body is used to that lifestyle... Plus I have been eating out more and working out 4-5 days a week. I'm looking for more motivation to get back on my clean diet. I love lifting and working out so I know I'm gaining muscle but I want to lose more weight. Current weight 170lbs. New goal weight is 150lbs (for now). It's going to be a never ending battle with eating and weight issues but the good news is that I am in such a better place than when I started 10 months and 60 pounds ago. I am much happier and healthier which are important. Any motivational words out there to help me get back into the mind set of clean eating?


    iSODAYF Posts: 1 Member
  • xCrazyRidex
    xCrazyRidex Posts: 12 Member
    Good for you! You're doing great so far..
    Best wishes on your journey! :)
  • bladebiker
    bladebiker Posts: 133 Member
    Nice one Sarah, been in your position myself and completely lost all my excess weight over 100lbs, if you find your body getting used to it then change up your exercise, keep the intensity going but just do some other forms of exercise for a while and you'll start the burn again. Keep going
  • deante123
    deante123 Posts: 1 Member
    That's great to hear and I'm very happy for your success so far. I would encourage you to focus more on seeing changes in how your clothes fit on you rather than the scale because the scale can show that you lost 2 pounds but the difference in your clothes can be very different due to muscle gain and fat lose. But I am encouraged by your story and encourage you to keep pushing towards better health and fitness! :)