Hi from Newcastle Upon Tyne UK

taintedredbutterfly Posts: 6 Member
edited November 2024 in Introduce Yourself
hi everyone, I'm here hoping to lose at least 3 stone, my baby is nearly one and my daughters are all school aged, I can't make anymore excuses, I need to get fit and healthy for them, I want to be able to run around with them and enjoy our days together, I'm hoping to make new friends and gain some tips, I could really do with some help with drinking water has anyone got any tips? I really struggle with it. I keep drinking tea with sugar :-/ anyways Hello all I just wanted to say hi :)


  • Sweep79
    Sweep79 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I'm from East Yorkshire and I have a similar goal. I can't help with the water I'm afraid as I'm a prolific drinker. Of both water and wine actually.... I know there is a free app you can get to track your water and I think it gives you reminders?
  • Hi, thanks for the reply, I'll download the water app hopefully it'll jog my memory to actually drink, are you finding it easy to lose weight? I'm doing the Jane plan it's my first day so can't really say if it's working or not.
  • mamma_adventure
    mamma_adventure Posts: 235 Member
    Hi I'm in Scotland my girls will be 1 in October and I have a 2 year old son. Been tracking my calories on here for about 3 months and I've lost 20lbs. My only exercise at the moment is getting out for a walk with the double buggy, or a wee slow walk with my toddler :) I always have a glass of water (with diluting juice) beside my kettle which helps me...although today I've had lots of coffee as I've 2 teething babies who've been up all night :D
  • Aw bless you sounds like your having a tough day, I know how you feel my son is a tinker and is yet to sleep through the night, my partner works permanent nights so it's a challenge to muster energy for the day ahead after being woken 3/4 times during the night then I have 3 girls saying they are bored as the school holidays have been a wash out...I hope your little un's sleeps better for you tonight, thank you for the water tip, I will take it on board and next time I reach for the kettle switch I'll hopefully pick the water option instead :) huge congratulations on the 20lbs lost I hope I have your determination and willpower too :)
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