Starting over again for the last time

Hello! I've been dieting on and off for my whole life. A few years ago I decided to start going to the gym and eat healthy and it worked. I lost about 30lbs but then just stopped. Since then I have started and stopped again a few times. I'm finally at the point in my life where I'm mentally ready to change my lifestyle and actually stick to this. I'm looking for people that are in the same place and can help motivate/support/cheer each other on! Anyone interested in making new workout motivation friends?!?!


  • jenr6482
    jenr6482 Posts: 59 Member
    Your bio is exactly mine! I lost 30 lbs last year but got too complacent. I have put back on 10 lbs and am ready to get healthy (and thinner) forever! Can I add you as a friend?
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    hey You can do this- just keep the right attitude- know it is for life- and go on with the business of getting healthy! I am with you girl!
  • K3rB3ar89
    K3rB3ar89 Posts: 263 Member
    Haha I did the same and gained it all back when I met my fiance. Problem is now I lack the motivation I had!
  • PollyEH
    PollyEH Posts: 21 Member
    Yes, I'm in a similar situation. I lost about 20 lbs in the last year (mostly accidentally, due to stress - but hey, silver lining), but have gained about 7 back. I want to stop the gain in its tracks now and forever, and really get this sorted in a healthy and sustainable way I can stick with for life. Would be great to be friends on this journey!
    NCGOALIEMOM Posts: 80 Member
    Right there with you sister! I lost 60, and have put back on 25.... needing to lose another 90. Feel free to add me!
  • Tintin13
    Tintin13 Posts: 86 Member
    Three years ago I started this fitness journey and lost 18 pounds. Regained my weight and started working out again December. Lost 20 ponds and got comfortable. So I started eating everything and anything so 12 pounds came back rather quickly. Now I'm ready to loose again except this time keep it off. Let's motivate and encourage each other
  • wilsonemilie8
    wilsonemilie8 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in a similar boat and would love to make some friends! :)
  • phillipas
    phillipas Posts: 1 Member
    Me too! A few years ago I lost 2 stone,but gradually put it all back on. So I'm back on my weight loss journey again and have lost 2kg so far. A long way to go but it's a start :smiley: