That last 20lbs


What are others' experiences of the final run down to target weight? My target weight is based on my BMI reaching 25 whereas right now it's 27.1. I've been stuck in this zone for months going up a bit, down a bit, up a bit etc, losing the same few pounds over and over. I believe I will find the right tweak in the end to wrestle my weight down but my body is resisting a lot more than it did when I was bigger. MFP cut my calorie allowance to 1240 because of the weight loss I had managed but I haven't found that AT ALL helpful and have now upped my allowance to 1490 by making my weight loss target half a pound a week.


  • solikewhatever
    solikewhatever Posts: 8 Member
    I'm stuck in the same boat!!! Hovering now within the same five pounds for about two + months! At first it seemed to melt like butter. I haven't upped my cals yet and dropped back on my loss goals. Just trying to eliminate processed foods, exercise more and increase water.

    Bound and determined to break free :)!!!

    Been reading a lot about plateaus...hoping to find that sweet spot. Just know you're not alone!!
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Uugh.... The last 8 pounds took me as long as the first 22!! Seriously, I only lost a half pound every two or three weeks :s Torturously slow!! Stick with it and don't give up! You can find your new sweet spot and suddenly wake up wondering if it is really true and you made your way to maintenance <3
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    I lost the last 20lbs at an average of 0.7lbs/week. Some weeks slightly more, some slightly less, but I never really plateaued or found it any more difficult. It still just comes down to calorie deficit. I think it only seems harder partly because you've got a smaller deficit so need to be really accurate with your logging (weigh everything you can), and partly because you're only aiming for 0.5lbs/week that loss can get easily covered by fluctuations, especially if you're weighing weekly. There were many times where I felt like I hadn't lost anything in ages, then I'd check my weigh-ins (I weigh daily and log it in a spreadsheet) and would see that I've been losing at exactly the same rate for the last few weeks as I always have. Just make sure you log accurately and you'll get there.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I will bet your logging has gone awry with over familiarity and errors sneaking in

    With a 250 cut you have to be extremely accurate ..your experience has proved that you are eating at maintenance

    Refocus and recommit

    Read this

    There are no other reasons for it...just recommit