Breastfeeding and Can't lose weight!

I have been breastfeeding for 7 months now, and have been exercising since I was 4 weeks pp. I haven't lost any weight! Not 1 pound nor 1 inch! I have tried increasing my caloric intake, lowering it, running ,walking,yoga and drinking lots of water. I was wondering if anyone lost weight after having a period or after weaning. If I have to wait til my daughter weans herself, how long will it take for the weight to come off? I'm so sick of reading the same stuff "well it takes 9 months to gain it so give yourself nine months to lose" or "drink more water". I eat extremely healthy, and get plenty of water. Just curious about others personal experiences. I'm 5"3 128lbs and my pre pregnancy weight was 105. This has been very frustrating.


  • trysha1231
    trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
    I am right there with you. I am almost 4 month PP and have not lost an ounce, in fact, I've gained weight!! Arrgh. I just got back to working out and watching my diet a few weeks ago, but so far nothing, zip, zilch. I really thought the weight would 'melt off' with breastfeeding. I am playing with my calories to see what will work. It is really depressing.
  • Hil12188
    Hil12188 Posts: 9 Member
    It really is depressing : ( I feel like no matter how hard I work nothing will change. I gained 2 pounds last month so I started running and have noticed no difference. I just stopped my jolivette lo dose bc yesterday in hope that I'll start my period and maybe that will get my hormones back on track. I don't know if it will make a difference, but I'm just trying everything right now. None of my old clothes fit and I'm still in maternity jeans : /
  • jezzmarie14
    jezzmarie14 Posts: 33 Member
    My son is only 3 1/2 months but ive lost weight. I would say I lost 27 the first week or so which I expected this past month another 10. My son eats alot hes 20 lbs already.. I drink only water half my body weight in tea after as clean as I can and I juice.
  • lollipoprincess
    lollipoprincess Posts: 117 Member
    I've gained weight! Too much. For 6 months I've breastfed but no loss! It's definitely difficult. I'm just adding in exercise and decreasing my caloric intake.
  • I was the same way when i breastfed my daughter and I did it for a whole year. I actually gained weight which was really frustrating. It really is a calorie game. I think i was just eating to many calories because I wanted to make sure that I was producing enough milk for her.
  • Hil12188
    Hil12188 Posts: 9 Member
    I really think its a hormonal issue. I've read that some woman don't lose any weight until they wean, while others lose it while breastfeeding. I wish there was some solid research as to why its different for some women.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I gained while I nursed. I wasnt fully able to start my weight loss journey until I was done nursing.
  • extremespjb
    extremespjb Posts: 28 Member
    I have had the same struggle. I have been breastfeeding for 21 months now and not a pound loss. Yes, that is a full year past when I should have lost all my baby weight according to "how it is supposed to be done". The problem? Well I think I was just too concerned about depleting my milk supply, to cut calories hard, which is always how I have lost weight in the past. I am down to night weaning and ready to wean completely at anytime. I have started dieting as I have in the past with no concern about my milk supply. I am only two days into it so I have no answers for you but don't give up and don't listen to all the mumbo jumbo about how we are supposed to lose weight after pregnancy. You'll get there.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    I don't know how much this will help, there are usually a lot of outside factors that can get in the way while breastfeeding. My youngest just turned 1 and I am still comfort feeding on occasion while he gets used to bottles. I had trouble losing any weight at all for the first half a year at least no matter what I did (within reason, I was still putting feeding him at priority). It was when I started adding solids in for him and when he started sleeping through the night more often that I saw a change. I didn't start regularly dropping the weight normally until he was sleeping through the night completely on a regular basis at around 10 months old. I think it had more to do with my hormones regulating and my body being ready to not be a complete support system for another human being.
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    Are you sure you're getting enough calories for how much you're exercising? Your body may have gone into "starvation mode" (I'm sure there's a more scientific term for this....) because it thinks you aren't getting enough nutrition to sustain yourself and your baby.

    I'm no help -- I waited until my baby was a year old to start trying to lose weight. Before then I was spending too much of my free time pumping milk and nursing. I still nurse, but don't pump anymore and my kiddo doesn't take an hour to nurse anymore.
  • trysha1231
    trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
    I was wondering about hormones too. I am drinking tons of water yet I still feel bloated and my rings feel tight, especially in the morning, I have yet to start my period. I bet between my age (43) and hormones, it will be a battle.
  • Clendenen49
    Clendenen49 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi I have some experience with some of my clientele after their pregnancy. Some of those with the same issue and thoughts as you. 90% of the time the issue is their diet, but you say your eating healthy. Next cause is the timing. When do you eat and what? Do not eat 2 hours before bed. Lets say you go sleep at 10 pm. Make sure you eat protein rich food with some healthy fat at 8 pm (this is critical). I eat beef broccoli stir fry and walnuts. About 1-2am your all important fat burning hormones will be in its peak fat burning mode of fatty acids rather than liver glucose freeing up triglycerides until you wake up and thensome. When you wake up lets say 6 am do some light jogging in place for 45 minutes right away. Eat shortly after that, protein and fat again no high glycemic carbs. You will be hungry from this 11 hour fast but it will deliver results.
  • Sharonwalkergmailcom
    Sharonwalkergmailcom Posts: 20 Member
    Interesting. My son is going to be 2yrs old and im still comfort feeding him. With all my children I gain a lot of weight while breastfeeding them and when they are about 3. The weight falls of. So ur right. Hormones.
  • I really think its a hormonal issue. I've read that some woman don't lose any weight until they wean, while others lose it while breastfeeding. I wish there was some solid research as to why its different for some women.

    Yup that was me! I Didn't lose any weight while breastfeeding. The best advice I could give would be to keep up what you are doing. Keep exercising and eating healthy. Then once you are finished breastfeeding the pounds may come off faster easier... at least that was my case. I gained 60lbs!!!!! With all 3 of my children. Im also 7 months pp and have lost all 60. Unfortunately I couldn't continue to breastfeed this baby. I know its hard to get discouraged and impatient. I still have 20 more lbs to go till im pre baby body. Good luck and give yourself a break. My grandma told me to not try so hard. When you relax and let your body do its job you will lose it naturally. ..and I think she's right! :)
  • LeiaLemon
    LeiaLemon Posts: 25
    I didn't lose much my 1st year either, even though for just over 6 months I breastfed.... even did the unhealthy back to 900 calories a day at one point (post breast feeding of course) and still lost less than 10 lbs up until about 10 months. Everyone is different during the recovery of childbirth with all honesty it can take a very long time before anyone really gets back on track afterward... took me 2 years to lose the weight I gained from pregnancy (went from 120lbs to 214lbs 1 month PP). I hope it starts getting easier soon, I'd say since it's been 6 months maybe see if there is something else limiting your ability to lose weight, maybe see a doctor and see if there is something hormone related going on.
  • Hil12188
    Hil12188 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone! Since I posted this I actually ended up gaining about 7lbs..a lot went straight to my stomach. I also gained a lot of water weight and my ring is so tight now! My daughter is now 22 months old and just stopped Nursing 2 weeks ago. I'm about 2 pounds lighter (just water weight I'm sure) I'm sad about her weaning but optimistic that I might finally lose weight..I hope!