Scale Stress

Hey everyone!

I never used to have this problem, but lately it's been bothering me!
When I did the Weight Watchers program, I weighed myself once a week for weigh-ins.
Sometimes, but very rarely, I'd step on the scale half-way through the week to check my progress.
Starting up at my college gym, I'd step on the scale more often. Sometimes three times a week to see if my exercising was making a difference. Now, I'm fighting the urge to weigh myself every morning! It's not healthy at all!
I want to break the habit. I haven't weighed myself today, but it's become sort of a habitual thing!
I was wondering if anyone had advice on how I could break this habit and go back to weighing myself weekly!
I don't want the scale to start deciding my emotions for me! Who wants to have a bad day all because the scale is saying they weigh a pound more then a few days ago? I know that on average a person's body weight fluctuates 3-5 pounds daily, but it doesn't stop me from getting a sour attitude!
Thanks for reading!


  • rosieef
    rosieef Posts: 57 Member
    Not a lot of advice I'm afraid, I just want to say that I'm the same. I used to weigh myself daily (sometimes 3 or more times a day) and it can drive you insane because it jumps around all the time. I'm down to 3 or 4 a week now, but trying to only count my Sunday weight for my weigh-ins.
  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204
    I would like to hear this too because I am a daily weigher.. Wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is use the bathroom (sorry if thats a tmi..) and then weigh myself... And it totally dictates the way my day starts out.. Im either happy or miserable... Need to recover from this... Espeically on those 3 pound gain days for no reason.. :/
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    I understand what you mean. My husband would say dont weigh yourself today,b/c i want today to be a good day. so he stashedit some where..but i like the idea of measurment vs the scale.i like that i can see inches off my body vs pounds up or down. try that
  • raksha
    raksha Posts: 30
    I was obsessing over the what the scale said, weighing myself every morning. But I decided to put my scale up in my closet and only pull it out once a week....I have been doing this for about two weeks and it's helped me focus more on how I feel after I work out and eat clean, rather then the number on the scale!! Hope this helps.
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    I bounce like crazy but still am compelled to check too often.

    Last night, granted after water, food, blah blah was 195 and pissed I was up 4... this morning was 188. Jumped off... jumped on... was the same.

    Ran down the steps like a dufus to post it before I was dressed I was so excited!

    The scale is my nemesis posing as a friend! LOL
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Maybe this will help - try weighing yourself as part of an expirement just so you can see how fickle your 'weight' is on the scale. Try these types of expirements (you won't be able to do them all in a day, but over time)

    Weigh yourself after a day of drinking a lot less water for a day.
    Weigh yourself after eating 2 bananas.
    Weigh yourself after having a large dinner the day before.
    I am sure you can come up with other ways to test the scale. When you see how much it can change with simple things you do, maybe you won't be so obsessed with looking at it all the time.
  • copperdave
    copperdave Posts: 146
    Not sure there's really anything wrong with weighing yourself daily. In fact, research has shown that those who weigh themselves daily tend to lose more weight that "once-a-weeker's". The key is to make certain you weigh yourself at the same time every day...preferably first thing in the morning after a potty visit. You'll see that your weight still fluctuates daily, but by taking the "average" over the course of the week, you'll be getting an accurate look at your actual loss. Just my opinion.
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    Put the scale away...put it in a closet in the back so this way its out of sight and then out of mind. Only pull it out on the day you want to weigh yourself and then quickly put it right back into the closet. I have dates written down in my calendar as to when I can weigh myself... I am a little OCD on scheduling, so that works for me, but the scale otherwise is not in my sight until that day.

    If you can't put it away (i.e. the gym scale), walk by it really fast as if it doesn't exist or is an evil ex or something like that.

    Remember scales can be evil trolls and not worth the stress for the most part. Good luck!
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    There is nothing inherently wrong with weighing yourself each day. It is how you respond to the weights that cause the problem. If you understand that substantial variation occur on a daily basis and you don't let it freak you out, it's fine.
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    I love that you don't want the scale to decide your emotions....I totally get that. The scale and I rarely agree and we aren't exactly friends lol
    How about some kind of reward system for yourself...something small to reward yourself for not getting on the scale that day? A hot bubble bath, a new workout song for your Ipod, a healthy treat you don't get all the time...things like that. Once it becomes habit, not doing it everyday, I'm sure you'll find it easier :smile:
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Thanks so much for all your advice!
    It means a lot to hear from other with similar problems!

    I definitely understand that it's not that bad to weigh yourself everyday... I feel like if I became obsessed with it though that it would spiral my mind into an eating disorder mindset. I am a very strong and determined person when it comes to my body image and willpower, but the last time I lost a lot of weight, it was healthy, but my doctor was concerned that I'd slide into eating disorder mood. I WOULD NEVER WANT THAT FOR MYSELF! So I thought I'd stop the scale problem in it's tracks!

    Haha, love the idea mentioned about walking quickly past like it's an evil ex! Too funny! I think I've got to keep it where it's located, but I think I'll keep reminding myself of how it will pay off when I step on it less frequently and the numbers are larger for the weight loss! Rewards sound nice too!
  • Mommyof3texans
    I get on the scale all the time, but it doesn't stress me out. I expect all the fluctuations and can see the overall trend. I am more curious about the fluctions more than anything. I'm probably not much help, but I'd probably just hide the scale away for awhile and weigh in monthly and see how it goes.
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    Yeah, I felt the same way awhile ago. But What I have focused on is if you are following your diet and exercising the reason why it says your 1lb heavier is because of what you ate and drank during the course of the day. So even though its in the back of my mind that I gained a pound. I take a second think about what I had and it makes sense.

    speaking of weighing yourself. I ordered a new scale from amazon and it says its out for delivery. So I am going to be weighing myself on it today to test the accuracy of it. All I have had today is a banana and some Powerade Zero. But I am still nervous to see what it says! (I hope its accurate I mean. the last scale I had was like 20lbs useless)
  • wildsun
    wildsun Posts: 24
    Give it away and use one in public (quarter op in a bathroom, if there is one at the gym, or there was one in the nurses station at my old job and I would walk to her office ritualistically one morning a week). I had the same problem before.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I wish there was an easy answer. I'm a monthly weigher myself. I can't do the scale stress. perhaps you could go another way and avoid the area where the scale is? otherwise I think you'll have to use the same self control you used to begin eating right in order to avoid the scale.