Freshman 15 is real!

OgechiMonica Posts: 1 Member
edited August 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi!!!! I'm a 19 year old junior in college and every summer I have the same goal "lose weight"! However, it seems like every summer that goal doesn't get reached. I don't really have s lot of motivation but I KNOW a change has to be made!

My starting weight is 210 and I want to lose about 80lbs because over the years I've had gained a lot of weight. Most of this weight gain is caused because of side effects from medications, and poor eating habits.

I was a premature baby born 3 months early and weighed only 1lb and 6oz. I'm literally a walking miracle. However, as a young baby, my lungs weren't fully developed cause me to develop severe asthma years later. Over the years, my asthma got worse and Prednisone was my daily medicine. If anyone has ever been on prednisone then you know how terrible the side effects can be which include severe weight gain, depression, & mood swings.

Poor eating habits are also the reason of my weight gain. When you're feeling down a cheeseburger and fries sounds really good lol. But I'm tired of looking in the mirror and not liking how I look. I know if I lose weight the chances of my asthma clearing are very high, and no more hospitalization, and I'll feel so much better!!

I'm going back I school in a couple of weeks and they have such a nice fitness center and I know that I should use it every day. I'm joining this app just go find new friends, share stories, and love a better lifestyle! If snyone has any tips or advice they want to share please feel free I would love the! So support would be great and I am nervous to start but I know nothing but good can happen! ☺️


  • Mahogany_Bee
    Mahogany_Bee Posts: 15 Member
    I know that you'll be able to reach your goals :D. Take it one step and one day at a time :). Start with adding a little exercise and changing your diet a bit. When I first started I cut out fried foods and sweets (I had cheat days once a week xD. I ate 1 meal that day that wasn't necessarily "healthy"). BUT for the first month I tried not to eat anything that was fried, or take out, or fast food. And I walked 3-5 times a week for about about an hour :). Also I ate 5 small meals a day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner. The weight just fell off of me after that :).
  • larsonmarissa5
    larsonmarissa5 Posts: 5 Member
    I totally feel you on the prednisone thing. When I was young I also had severe athsma and was on and off prednisone many times. It sucked but it kept me out of the hospital. I'll add ya! :)