I have 100+ to lose and would love some partners!



  • HulkBalls
    HulkBalls Posts: 66 Member
    80% of weight loss is diet. Eat the right things and do enough exercise. You'll be good! :D
  • themadteapot
    themadteapot Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks guys! You are some seriously crazy awesome support :D
  • cricketnob34
    cricketnob34 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi ! I didn't want to lurk, similar weight loss goals and looking for friends too!
  • themadteapot
    themadteapot Posts: 41 Member
    I added you (: @cricketnob34 I hope you get a bunch more adds for posting :D
  • Daniel21234
    Daniel21234 Posts: 56 Member
    Hello! I'm Shannon Elizabeth, and I've been using mfp on and off for awhile, but I was completely oblivious to the community aspect!

    I turned 20 in April and after a gnarly breakup and etc hit an all time high of 270. I started working out again and I'm down to 264 now. I got a boost in motivation when my recent trip to Knotts Berry Farm taught me that I'm too fat to ride roller coasters.

    I don't want to be losing opportunities because of my weight. So I'd love to find some people to talk with and maybe check in daily/weekly/ whatever to keep me on track :)

    Age: 20
    Height: 5'4
    CW: 264
    GW: 125


    You have a lot of confidence posting your picture... you can do this! Add me if you like, will try and help with as much support as i can :)
  • Ricky0700
    Ricky0700 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this! Day 22. Down 18 so far. Add me. I want to lose a lot. I left training in the army at 240. After my mom's cancer battles I sky rocketed to 420. So I wanna lose a lot so I'm there with ya! I'd be happy to lose 150 by my birthday next year "August 14"
    But more the merrier to get this on!
  • cricketnob34
    cricketnob34 Posts: 9 Member
    I added you (: @cricketnob34 I hope you get a bunch more adds for posting :D

    Thanks for adding me!
  • AidenAustin12
    AidenAustin12 Posts: 7 Member
    I have over 100lbs to lose. I have also been on this roller coaster called weightless several times. This time feels so different. It's not a struggle to make the right choices. In about two months I have lost over 20lbs. Only 120 more to go! Add me if you would like. :smile: WE GOT THIS!
  • themadteapot
    themadteapot Posts: 41 Member
    @Daniel21234 Thank you! I appreciate the support (:

    @Ricky0700 we can do this! Sorry to hear about your mom, cancer is a pretty terrible thing to deal with. I'm here to support you and give any motivation I can through our journey (:

    @cricketnob34 of course!

    @AidenAustin12 Wow! Good job on your start! That's so awesome, and that's really inspiring. I can't wait to lose together and support each other !
  • cupcakesplz
    cupcakesplz Posts: 237 Member
    How have your past few days been?
  • nikakimou
    nikakimou Posts: 4 Member
    You can do it, my friend, if you believe in yourself, you follow the program and not stumble. It seems hard, but with belief and discipline you will do it.
    Keep it up!
  • themadteapot
    themadteapot Posts: 41 Member
    @cupcakesplz Hi! They've gone pretty well, it's easier to stay motivated when you know people support you (:

    @nikakimou Thank you for the encouragement!
  • sjperry68
    sjperry68 Posts: 3 Member
    I have about 100 lbs to lose as well... You can all add me too. Went out for a 3 mile walk today with my daughter and dog and it felt great. I just have to get motivated!
  • katchetkowski91
    katchetkowski91 Posts: 6 Member
    First off I love your hair! I too have a lot to lose, I'm 5'5 and 237lb (I've lost 3lb in my first week on MFP). Well done on your loss so far, you can do this :) if you want any support, feel free to add me, it would be nice to have a support for me too if thats cool?
  • mirandagirl2
    mirandagirl2 Posts: 160 Member
    Welcome back! I know you can do it and I am happy to support you however I can ☺
  • themadteapot
    themadteapot Posts: 41 Member
    @katchetkowski91 Thank you for the compliment! And congrats on your loss so far! Sent you a request, love to provide any motivation or support!

    @mirandagirl2 Aw thank you (: and I sent you a request!
  • Godlessumar
    Godlessumar Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck. I want to lose 40 kg till January. I have lost a couple of killos in first week. Just don't miss exercise/walk and no cheating food. Not even once
  • themadteapot
    themadteapot Posts: 41 Member
    @Godlessumar Thanks, and good luck to you! Good job on your progress so far (:
  • Mrpalmer1
    Mrpalmer1 Posts: 12 Member
  • themadteapot
    themadteapot Posts: 41 Member
    @Mrpalmer1 Thank you :D