OTF or cardio to lose pounds

Hi there. I'm tired of spending my time and money on trainers one after another, I've been doing OTF since match. I do have more muscle but my weight had not lowered which is my over all goal, should I decrease my OTF and go back to cardio session with a trainer 3 times a week? So it would be OTF 2 x and a personal trainer 3x I'm 169-172 bf 32


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    You should make sure you are counting calories accurately and that your calorie goal is appropriate.
  • sunnybremer
    sunnybremer Posts: 7 Member
    But that's what I'm confused at. OTF says around 1300 calories the etp says 1985 cal on my days off and 2200 on days working out
  • sunnybremer
    sunnybremer Posts: 7 Member
    How do I find the concrete evidence of what the proper calories should be please?
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    Concrete evidence comes from the result of your experimentation. Try one or the other, or something in between and note whether or not it works. Based on results, adjust goal numbers.
  • kumateking
    kumateking Posts: 2 Member
    My advice is to not focus on your total weight. At the end of the day just because you are not seeing results on the scale doesn't mean your not progressing. I am on a contest diet for a physique show and I use pictures and measurements over the scale to judge myself. I'll be glad to help you get a better idea on how to judge things if you want more advice!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    OTF **is** cardio. And it's fun. But it ain't burning as many calories as you think. You get concrete evidence of how many calories you need by watching your scale. Cut or add 200 calories per day and track results