Transplant and fitness

Hi, I'm Nikki.
I received a kidney transplant from my Dad in March 2011. It is not too long away from the 2 year anniversary! :smile:
After my initial recovery my health and fitness was at the best level it has ever been. But then I found full time employment. This was my downfall!
I have an office job where I am pretty much tied to my office desk all day. It's hard to find time to get up and move around as much as I would want to leaving just the evenings to do any activities. Then when I get home a lot of the time I find I'm too tired to do any exercise - especially with these long dark nights of winter.
I also find I am constantly nibbling away at snacks too while at my desk.
I've finally kicked my snacking into shape by having sunflower seeds instead of crispts and a banana or satsuma instead of chocolate. They are still as tasty and leave me feeling full. I've not really put on that much weight and have around 5lbs to lose. It's my overall health and fitness I want to improve.
The bit I'm finding hard is to motivate myself to do exercise and actually getting into the habbit.
I keep coming across setbacks; I've had a bad cough for weeks now so have found doing anything physical starts off a wheezy coughing fit and as my body isn't really in the best of shape I seem to pull or strain my muscles really easily - even doing a warm up!
I'm trying not to come up with excuses now - It's too cold, I'm too tired - and just get up and do something.
How does everyone else find the motivation to get fit and stick to your habbits?


  • nikakimou
    nikakimou Posts: 4 Member
    I am a kidney transplant receiver too, and I understand what you are talking about.
    I also do sports, 5000m racewalk which needs great amount of calories and carbs. I also sometimes look at my belly fat (which is not that much) and I feel discouraged.
    But what I do, when I lose motivation, I search for one. I usually watch films with fit people and such stuff and I realise that I can do it too. I also walk a lot and I see people training and jogging. As a result, I am motivated by them too.
    All it needs is faith and discipline.
    I wish you be always healthy.