Trying to be myself again.

hey there, Alex here.
I've had an ED for a long time, but I had managed to find some kind of equilibrium. Unfortunately, this year has been very hard and various things led me to my current state: the fatter I've ever been.
I'm trying to establish yet again a decent relationship with food while getting back the body that represents me.
I need to lose 10 kilos.


  • goldenscarecrow
    goldenscarecrow Posts: 2 Member
    Please, send me friends request. I could really use some motivation. :)
  • AlexM2428
    AlexM2428 Posts: 9 Member
    I totally understand, had a horrible year last year and this year had been rough cuz of the job I had. I completely get where you're coming from. Just wanting to get back on track with who I really am and looking great again.
  • mirandagirl2
    mirandagirl2 Posts: 160 Member
    Welcome! I have also had a rough year and working hard to make changes. I am happy to support you however I can ☺
  • kasaioni19
    kasaioni19 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! My name is kasaioni, I suffer from an ED currently, I believe we may be great help for each other because we both have bad relationships with food, we understand each other , I think helping out each other would be quite dandy. Feel free to add me
  • rlbrue
    rlbrue Posts: 14 Member
    I'm with you 100%! I use to be in shape and take good care of myself but in the last 5 hrs that has slowly disintegrated into what I am now: way over weights and no motivation to change it. I love food but not the right kinds so I working on that and I also need to come to terms with exceeding. It's a work in progress but I'm hoping to stick to it this time