Looking for Friends for Support on My Journey

I lost 30lbs last year only to gain 20lbs back after a miscarriage. My fiance and I are eloping to St. Lucia in November and I hope to lose that 20lbs again by then.

I'm looking for friends to support me along the way, and I love to give support myself. Feel free to add me!


  • mikestobbs1
    mikestobbs1 Posts: 294 Member
    If you need motivation or advice feel free to add me. Stay motivated and have fun.
  • sleepypapa
    sleepypapa Posts: 27 Member
    Sorry about your miscarriage. That must have been hard.
  • JaimeH5
    JaimeH5 Posts: 13 Member
    So sorry for your loss.
    Feel free to add me. Im always looking to encourage/be encouraged.
  • kiki_anitoni
    kiki_anitoni Posts: 40 Member
    Sorry about your miscarriage :( I also gained weight after a miscarriage a few years ago. It gets better and you get stronger! You can do this!!!