Help! :(

Before I had my first child I was size 6-8.. But I wad 10 stone which was weird.. Ive had two children now and just can't shift this weight.. I am now a size 14 weighing 13 1/2 stone.. I have started my diet again and I go to the gym 4 times a week but nothing seems to work.. Any advice?


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If you aren't losing weight, you aren't eating less calories than you're burning. It's almost always that simple. Are you logging everything you're eating? How are you verifying the calorie amounts of your food entries? Are you weighing your food on a kitchen scale? How are you validating the calorie burns you're entering into MFP after your workouts?
  • stuntmonkeyok
    stuntmonkeyok Posts: 4 Member
    Just be honest with the daily tracker. If you're not, you're only cheating yourself. I haven't been on this site in a while, just checked in to verify what I might be doing wrong- hitting a plateau and....whoa. It adds up fast, a cookie here, a snack there, a missed workout once in a while.... Basic principle calories in calories out, you know the drill.
  • XXpaigeybbzxx
    XXpaigeybbzxx Posts: 18 Member
    I barely eat to be honest.. Usually have 600 calories left at the end of the day.. If I cheated it would be pointless
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Are you weighing your food on a scale? Are you eating back the exercise calories, or using MFP to estimate your calories burned from exercising? How long have you been back on your diet and exercising? What kind of exercises are you doing?
  • XXpaigeybbzxx
    XXpaigeybbzxx Posts: 18 Member
    Tbh I don't get chance to exercise with two kids.. So my weight loss is very slow lol.. I go to the gym when I can and I don't track it.. I dont weigh my food either.. I eat what I want and just make sure it's below the calorie count.. My appetite has dramatically gone down because I spent a week living off low calorie microwave meals when my oven broke and I think it just stuck.. I'm seeing results now.. I honestly think it was just motivation.. Also I was a size 6 before my kids and could eat what I want without worrying and it took a while to get out of that
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    If you get a chance, get a scale to measure out your food as it can make a huge difference in your weight loss especially when you get closer to your goal. Even stuff that was pre-packaged tended to weigh more than stated and would have more calories. You do this with 6 or 7 things every day and it quickly adds up to slow your weight loss way down.

    I don't know the ages of your little ones, but see if they will exercise with you. Some kids love doing exercises with mommy, especially dance, yoga, or floor exercises. They may also enjoy walking or hiking with you, if the distances aren't too far for them.
  • XXpaigeybbzxx
    XXpaigeybbzxx Posts: 18 Member
    They're 2 and 9 months and I think I will start weighing everything.. Heard nothing but good