Postpart weight loss

Hi! I'm 6 weeks postpartum and was wondering if anyone knew how much calories I should be taking in a day to lose weight. Also any suggestions on work outs for diastasis recti? ... By the way I'm 4'9", currently 96lbs (was 87 pre pregnancy) and I'm also nursing... Just want to get back to my pre pregnancy weight.


  • Elisabuffy19
    Elisabuffy19 Posts: 130 Member
    Hi, I am 10 weeks postpartum and have been getting the hang of what works for me for the past 6 weeks or so. I am a foot taller than you so our calories per day will be very different, but here is what i did: set up mfp goals for losing 1.5 lbs a week, then everyday I give myself 400 extra exercise calories from breastfeeding. I created my own exercise. Right now since I am BFing a lot I still do the 400 but in the future months that number will get lower and lower until I wean at a year. This is what I did with my first kid and it worked. Good luck!! :-)
  • serenityjohnson22
    serenityjohnson22 Posts: 5 Member
    Diastasis recti? I am on a Facebook group fcakled Diastasis Recti support group. They have recommended Carrie fit ($10) or mutu system. I have a four finger gap and I just started insanity beach body three days aho, of course I will have to modify some work outs so that I won't make my abs worse than it is already is.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    At only 6 weeks postpartum and with that little weight to lose, forget it and absolutely do not limit calories. It is normal for your body to still not be exactly where it was. And breastfeeding burns 300-500calories, so just eat as you normally would and you will be back to prepregnancy weight in a few more weeks. Give also your body some time for everything to get back where it is supposed to be, right now it is normal to still not look as you did, and it is not the few extra lbs that are the problem. No one gets a perfectly flat tummy only a few weeks after giving birth. It takes a bit more time for everything to just shrink back.