18lb down (with pics!)



  • sm1986
    sm1986 Posts: 10
    Well done! Looking great! And nice tatts!
  • kimark1
    kimark1 Posts: 84 Member
    You look great!! I honestly don't see where in the world another 16lbs would come from! I think if you want to work more on your legs and tummy that you should concentrate on toning type exercises but not weight loss.
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    Stop!! You look amazing! I'd say you're at goal NOW!! At your height 120 would be really low
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    Well done! Looking great! And nice tatts!

    Thanks! Painful! Lol
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    Stop!! You look amazing! I'd say you're at goal NOW!! At your height 120 would be really low

    I was 120lb a year and a half ago, don't worry I won't go crazy!
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    You look great!! I honestly don't see where in the world another 16lbs would come from! I think if you want to work more on your legs and tummy that you should concentrate on toning type exercises but not weight loss.

    I have been doing a lot of toning, my legs are just my downfall, they were a lot thinner when I was at 120-125lb so thats what I'm aiming for! I love thin legs! Thank you though :)
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    Sacre Bleu! GORGEOUS!
  • demure_poetic
    Good job!....but in my opinion I really don't think you should lose anymore weight..toning is okay but don't try to lose more... you are already so skinny you would just look too skinny!... I think your legs look skinny...
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You look awesome!
  • HeatherFeather10
    You look amazing!!!

    I am just starting out and I seem to be your weight loss twin
    I am 5'8 and weight 147 pounds - I also wanted to lose 25 pounds, but after talking to some fitness experts they told me that I am within a healthy BMI and weight for my height and that I shouldn't really go below 130. So I am listening to their advice and instead of trying to lose 25 will work on losing 15 and completely toning my body.
    Just thought I would share with you what they told me, feel free to do whatever you want with this information- you know your body the best!!!

    You look freaking fantastic right now!!!!!
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    You look great!! I honestly don't see where in the world another 16lbs would come from! I think if you want to work more on your legs and tummy that you should concentrate on toning type exercises but not weight loss.

    I have been doing a lot of toning, my legs are just my downfall, they were a lot thinner when I was at 120-125lb so thats what I'm aiming for! I love thin legs! Thank you though :)

    I agree that you look really good, but people need to stop giving you a hard time for wanting to loose more! If you wanna loose more than do it! You weighed that much before, & you know your body type not them. Go for it! I'm sick of people on here who try to convience people not to reach their goals. You know what's best. Look great BTW =]
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Congratulation on your loss Maillekelly.
  • finallyhappening2011
    finallyhappening2011 Posts: 73 Member
    This is incredible!!!!
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    You look fantastic!!!!
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    You look great!! I honestly don't see where in the world another 16lbs would come from! I think if you want to work more on your legs and tummy that you should concentrate on toning type exercises but not weight loss.

    I have been doing a lot of toning, my legs are just my downfall, they were a lot thinner when I was at 120-125lb so thats what I'm aiming for! I love thin legs! Thank you though :)

    I agree that you look really good, but people need to stop giving you a hard time for wanting to loose more! If you wanna loose more than do it! You weighed that much before, & you know your body type not them. Go for it! I'm sick of people on here who try to convience people not to reach their goals. You know what's best. Look great BTW =]

    Thanks soooo much!! I appreciate everyones comments, and would probably think the same if i was them, but like you said, I know my body :)
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    You look amazing!!!

    I am just starting out and I seem to be your weight loss twin
    I am 5'8 and weight 147 pounds - I also wanted to lose 25 pounds, but after talking to some fitness experts they told me that I am within a healthy BMI and weight for my height and that I shouldn't really go below 130. So I am listening to their advice and instead of trying to lose 25 will work on losing 15 and completely toning my body.
    Just thought I would share with you what they told me, feel free to do whatever you want with this information- you know your body the best!!!

    You look freaking fantastic right now!!!!!

    Yay weightloss twin!
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    Wow- You look great!!! What were you doing? I can see you eat 1200 cals a day but dont eat exercise cals back... what exercises were you doing?
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    Wow- You look great!!! What were you doing? I can see you eat 1200 cals a day but dont eat exercise cals back... what exercises were you doing?

    Thanks but I don' feel too good today!
    Yes i eat no more than 1200 cals per day now and i don't eat my calories back. I was losing fine for the first few weeks, then i started coming on these message boards and i got so stressed out by everyone telling me different things, im eating too few calories, i won't lose weight if i dont eat my calories back, blahblahblah, I got so stressed for about 2 weeks all I did was research weightloss online, I was so obsessed to the point I was crying everyday when i looked in the mirror! I was doing all that zigzagging (because people told me too) and i started eating my calories back, and I didn't lose any weight !! It got too much for me, I decided there and then to stop coming on the message boards, and to just do what I was doing previously. I went back to eating no more than 1200 cals, all I asked from myself was to LISTEN to my body, if I felt grumpy and tired, I would eat more, but I don't, I feel fine and completely satisfied! Since being back to 1200 cals a day (have been now for 2 weeks) I feel much happier and 'in control' I haven't yet been on the message boards, (except for this topic) and I'm doing just fine. I know people are here to help me, but i felt so stressed out not knowing what advise to take and at the end of the day everyone is different.

    I know that isn't what you asked me at al! But thought I'd share my experience anyway.

    The exercise I do is spin class 5 times a week (sometimes six), I walk everywhere and I do 30 day shred almost everyday (I maybe take 1 day off a week, like today!!) That's all I do really, I used to do yoga almost everyday, but since I started the shred I haven't done it, which is disappointing, I will get back in to it!
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    Today has been CRAP, I ate my 1200 calories plus binged a little when I got home from work on about 200-300 calories, so my intake today is about 1400ish calories. I know, that doesn't seem like much, but I'm so upset with myself, plus I haven't done 30 day shred today. This is the first day in the 2 months I have losing weight that i have over eaten and cheated, it's not a good feeling, I'm hoping I will learn from this! I have spin class at 9.30am tomorrow morning, tomorrow is a new day, weigh in is on Monday, if I don't lose, hey ho, I'll try extra hard next week! :)
  • BarnAvVårTid
    oh honey you're doing so great
    I wish I was keeping check on myself as good as you do, even if you felt bad about cheating
    I cheat everyday! my little sister is great at baking

    I also stopped exercising completely, and guess my results from the weeks that I cheated every day and didn't exercise?
    I was at the same weight all way through
    now I'm getting back on track doing my thing again but I just want to let you know
    that no matter if you cheat once, you're doing absolutely great
    what a discipline, girl!
    and you're looking smashing, I wish my legs were that thin
    my legs aren't very fat but I want them to be skinny
    working on it
    I'll get back here to see how you're doing, inspiration yay.
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