Half marathon

Started using MFP a few months ago, I haven't really lost much but then, i haven't really committed!! What has been more important to me is that MFP inspires me to be active because I love seeing how many calories i burn by being active!! I walked my third half-marathon this past Sunday(improving my time from last year by 13 minutes) and burned a whole lotta calories while doing it. No real reason for this post other than to blow my own horn - I ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!


  • w_sanford
    w_sanford Posts: 25 Member
    Woot woot! Go you! Musta been a marathon day! I completed my fastest marathon that day...burn them calories :)
  • HealthyEscape
    COngrats! I am going to run my 1st 1/2 in January. Right now, I cant run for more than 60 seconds, but with C25K and a 1/2 marathon training program, I will be running the whole thing :-)

    Great work on beating your time by 13 minutes! Thats awesome :-)