New Young Female

Hello all! As Im sure you all can tell, Im new to this, joined last night. Like I mentioned in my profile I was at my skinniest a good 4yrs ago when I lost 30lbs and have since gained all 30 back and then some.

I am just looking to get in better shape and to be more confident in myself by shedding the pounds again. I am a young female and want to be able to go out and have fun without always wondering how I look, I am extremely self conscious.

Im pretty knowledgable in the diet and exercise fields but am always looking for new tips and tricks. My biggest struggle is actually sticking with it and being motivated.

Any tips or tricks? I wish the best of luck to all of you!



  • MayhemModels
    MayhemModels Posts: 367 Member
    The trick is you are here :smile: You will find more support from members here than any other place! This site and app on my phone has kept me motivated and inspired. Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I agree with Mayhem. This site is fantastic! Very supportive and active groups and great advice! I've been struggling against medication and hypothyroid so I have an uphill battle with the loss. But I've been successfully maintaining (stopped the upward creeping!) and even losing a bit thanks to becoming obsessed with this site. :laugh:

    My biggest advice, strategy-wise, is
    1) log every little thing you eat until it's such a habit you won't eat a thing without looking it up first
    2) mix up the exercises the minute you get bored. Use your cable/satellite OnDemand to try new things. Use Netflix. Use your friends. I'm all over Zumba Wii right now, but just finished P90X, before that was all the kickboxing videos I could find, before that all the Biggest Loser DVDs, before that all the Jillian Michael's DVDs. I will circle back to all of them at some point, but boredom leads to excuses.
  • kbizzleoo
    kbizzleoo Posts: 114
    I'm extremely self conscious as well. When I go out I'm STILL hesitant to expose my upper arms even though I've lost 30 pounds since August. I'm finally getting to where I can accept myself. WELCOME to the site! It's really great...I love it... only been here about a month or so! Feel free to add me because I'm looking for more MFP friends that are like me to motivate each other.