Need friends with ideas to help calm that ridiculous sweet tooth of mine.



  • LaurenNotLaura
    LaurenNotLaura Posts: 64 Member
    You can do it!!!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I make room in my allotment, daily, for some type of "yum".
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    I make room in my allotment, daily, for some type of "yum".

    Definitely this. I could *never* sub fruit for, say, chocolate. Or ice cream. I would rather save some calories every day for sweets. (And I hear you, OP, on snacking while watching shows/movies. It's so ingrained with me, but I'm working on it!)

    For those of you who can plug in fruit instead - good job.

  • AshleyHaro
    AshleyHaro Posts: 3 Member
    I think I have a trick that can calm your sweet tooth. Research shows, when your are craving for something sweet you should smell an orange. This fragrance calms your urge to have the sweet tooth.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,883 Member
    I second (or third or so) those who suggest fruit. When I started eating more fruit (aiming for 3 servings of whole fruit a day) my cravings for other sweets reduced dramatically. Yes, fruits have sugar, but less than the typical processed "sweet treat", and in fruit it's packaged with vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, and other such good stuff. And fruit *is* yum.
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    Everyone on this site is going to urge you to just eat lots of sweets and "fit it into your macros yolo iifym!!", but from personal experience if you just try to cut out most processed added sugars and stick to natural flavors: fruits, cacao, carob, honey, dates, etc. you'll find that your brain craves less of the things like cereal and candy. That's just my experience, though
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Everyone on this site is going to urge you to just eat lots of sweets and "fit it into your macros yolo iifym!!", but from personal experience if you just try to cut out most processed added sugars and stick to natural flavors: fruits, cacao, carob, honey, dates, etc. you'll find that your brain craves less of the things like cereal and candy. That's just my experience, though

    Um, no, no one will urge her to eat lots of sweets. That's probably why she is looking to lose the weight in the first place. ;) But instead of giving up sweets entirely, it is possible to leave room in your caloric budget each day for a treat so you don't feel deprived.
  • smileyjules70
    smileyjules70 Posts: 23 Member
    edited August 2015
    Ok yesterday I cleared my whole pantry of any sweet temptations( you know the really bad ones like chocolate/lollies/biscuits and cake - they are my downfall) as if they are there I will have no control/willpower over my cravings - processed sugar has a big hold.......... so today is a new day and the mid morning cravings have started so I'm sitting here with my bowl of watermelon/strawberries and a green apple all chopped up to make it last longer and a 500ml bottle of water. I know its going to be a day by day thing initially but lets see how I go.
  • Natalierae886
    Natalierae886 Posts: 286 Member
    What might help and is healthy but is a sweet snack is chopped up bannana with honey drizzled over, its absolutely delicious and healthy aslong as you dont put heaps of honey on.
    Also you can get yogurts that are less then 100 callories, I bought loads of them to ensure that if I did want sweet I could have something low and sweet in. I have bannana and custard yogurts in and therejust what I need If im fancying sweet stuff.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    What might help and is healthy but is a sweet snack is chopped up bannana with honey drizzled over, its absolutely delicious and healthy aslong as you dont put heaps of honey on.
    Sugar is sugar. Bananas and honey are both high in sugar *and* calories, so why not just leave room for a regular treat, instead?

    In before, "Oh, but it's *natural* sugar!"

    Again, sugar is sugar. And it's not the debbil. >:)

    For me personally, I have found moderation to be the key. I'm the type that if I deny myself something long enough, it's all over but the screams. :) But if I work a bit of the treats I love into my calorie budget each day, I don't feel deprived, which, for me at least, is the key to long term success. And I've lost over 50 lbs in 6 months.

  • CannonWhale
    CannonWhale Posts: 44 Member
    Great ideas ppl ! Fruits and veggie snacks are the best, but when all else fails, before you put that milky way in your mouth, I go and brush my teeth! NOTHING tastes good after toothpaste! lol
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Great ideas ppl ! Fruits and veggie snacks are the best, but when all else fails, before you put that milky way in your mouth, I go and brush my teeth! NOTHING tastes good after toothpaste! lol

    Too true! I once made the mistake of having some orange juice for breakfast right after having brushed my teeth. It tasted like azz. LOL.
  • bellesb169
    bellesb169 Posts: 41 Member
    Great ideas ppl ! Fruits and veggie snacks are the best, but when all else fails, before you put that milky way in your mouth, I go and brush my teeth! NOTHING tastes good after toothpaste! lol

    I've heard this before! I think I'll try it. But I've been pretty good so far. My sweet cravings have almost all but subsided. It's only been 3 weeks since I've started this journey but I think changing my overall diet has helped with the cravings. Just thinking about what it takes to burn those calories if I indulge in cakes etc. is enough of a deterrent. LOL
  • lcelio22
    lcelio22 Posts: 11 Member
    I suggest fruit or baked sweet potatoes with cinnamon. Cravings usually mean that your body is either detoxing from chemical filled food or deficient in a specific nutrient

  • emcdonie
    emcdonie Posts: 190 Member
    edited August 2015
    Eating a ketogenic level of carbs has strongly curbed my sugar and carb cravings. It is a high fat, moderate protein, very low carb way of eating. It is especially helpful to those who are insulin resistant/pre or full blown diabetic. The lower your carbs, you get out of the blood sugar swings. Lose those and it is a lot easier to drop sugar/sweets. But you have to lose your fear of fat. Eating fat makes you feel more satisfied. I don't mean trans fats. I mean animal fat or coconut oil primarily.

    That is my tip. It is not government approved. :-P I know many will disagree, and I am not looking to debate it. But just research losing weight with ketosis. (NOT diabetic ketoacidosis...two very different things).
  • Ohwhynot
    Ohwhynot Posts: 356 Member
    Check my diary. I'm down nearly 40 lbs and I eat a ton of sugar <3 I just fill in the rest with other stuff. There's no need to totally give them up! Best of luck!
  • Jenfromtheblock84
    Jenfromtheblock84 Posts: 140 Member
    With the weight I've lost so far I've had ice cream, cake, brownies, cookies, etc... It's all about calories in and calories out so if you have enough wiggle room in your diet then eat it. If you don't? Work out and make that wiggle room. (Just be careful with MFP exercise calories, I only log about 1/2 of the calories it says I've burned). When you take things away you create this taboo item that makes you want it more.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    I make room in my allotment, daily, for some type of "yum".

    i'm working on my ability to do this.