Paleo not paying off!

Hi all,

Have been doing Paleo style food diary for the last 2 months along with vigorous exercise up to 5 times a week (spinning, circuit training, kettlebell bootcamp etc)
Have always been slow to see anything on the scales but would have expected a bit of a move??
Has anyone else experienced this?
I have been static at the same weight for the last few months having lost about 30lbs over 2 years ago but have another 30lbs to go!!


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Are you counting your calories or just eating paleo?
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    Are you counting calories? Or just eating paleo? You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight, regardless of what type of diet you're on.
  • nicki85
    nicki85 Posts: 12 Member
    No am under or spot on my calorie defecit every day (have it set to a 1lb/1.5lb loss every week)
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    Then are you weighing your food? Are you eating out at restaurants a lot? Choosing correct entries for foods?

    If you're not losing you're not in a deficit and you're eating more than you think. How many calories are you eating every day?
  • nicki85
    nicki85 Posts: 12 Member
    goal is set at 1500, not eating out at all or rarely. choosing correct entries for food which is easy enough as its mainly eggs, meats and veggies. weighing any recipies i have uploaded that I can't scan the barcode on etc..
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Are you weighing your food?
  • nicki85
    nicki85 Posts: 12 Member
    yes when I can't find it listed i am, but majority of it is listed i.e tesco free range chicken portions, same with eggs (putting in correct size large/medium)
    On the days I am exercising i'm not eating the exercise calories
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    IF you've actually been weighing foods to correctly enter in the amount that you're eating, then you might look into having some sort of medical issue. First, make sure you're logging accurately with the weighing of your food.

    Then you can go to your doctor to make sure that you don't have any metabolic issues.
  • nicki85
    nicki85 Posts: 12 Member
    ok thanks for your help, will be rigid with the weighing,
    Have been tested for thyroid etc but nothing!
  • swimmer88888
    swimmer88888 Posts: 12 Member
    It sounds like you are doing everything right!!! I am really proud of you for sticking with paleo. It is NOT easy. I did it once for about 8 weeks and it was so challenging! I'm not sure why you haven't lost more recently. My advice would be to cut down to 1450 calories a day OR to keep your calories the same and try to add more minutes to your exercise. It wouldn't have to be anything hard! Maybe an extra 15 minutes of walking a couple times a week. I thjnk those plateaus are really normal. Your body may be adjusted to this new lifestyle so it's just hanging out, not changing. Actually, now that I think of it, I recommend not actually adding more exercise, but actually CHANGING your exercise. Do exercises you haven't tried yet!Good luck!!!
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Also, are you eating back your exercise calories? MFP as well as any machines that you may use, are way overestimated in exercise calories. You shouldn't eat more than like 50% of whatever the machine or MFP says just to be conservative.
  • nicki85
    nicki85 Posts: 12 Member
    no generally not eating any of them back really as I know they are way over estimated, max I would take would be 100 kcal if I've done a hard spinning/circuits session that my heart rate monitor estimates as approx 450 kcal for the 50 mins
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    nicki85 wrote: »
    On the days I am exercising i'm not eating the exercise calories
    Eat back those calories...
    Sometimes our progress is stifled when our food intake is too low.

    Good Luck!