Type 1 Diabetics

Being a Type 1 arises lots of issues and challenges! Let's share our favourite tips, meals and most importantly our achievements


  • out4keeps
    out4keeps Posts: 3 Member
    Love this - Following. My 4 year old son just got diagnosed a week ago today.
  • swimmer88888
    swimmer88888 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for starting this!! For me, exercise is so tricky. At certain times of day, any vigorous exercise will result in low blood sugar almost immediately. It's so frustrating!
    For me, I notice that in the mornings, my blood sugar spikes higher than it does at night. So if I take my insulin 20 mins before breakfast, eat something like fruit and pb, and then go to the gym, I can be over 300 within 30 minutes (I know- it's horrible. Please don't be judgmental or harsh! I really do try hard and this doesn't happen a lot). So anyways, it's hard for me to eat breakfast and then go exercise (I'll be too high).
    The best solution for me personally seems to be going to the gym first thing, and either not eating anything at all, or having like 2 tbsp peanut butter (or something with no carbs) beforehand.

    What do other people do?
  • swimmer88888
    swimmer88888 Posts: 12 Member
    out4keeps wrote: »
    Love this - Following. My 4 year old son just got diagnosed a week ago today.

    I'm sorry for your son!! I was diagnosed when I was 8. I remember how sad it was for my mother and I empathize with your grief. I want you to know that I'm 26 now and I am very healthy. Your son will learn to care for himself properly, I promise. Also, please know that the older I got, the easier it was for me to feel my own lows. As a child, I would have trouble recognizing I was low when I first woke up in the morning (and yes I did have episodes of passing out a few times within 10-15 years). BUT there is hope. By the time I was an adult and lived alone, my body was able to wake me up when low. So take good care of your son now, and know that it will get easier and easier as he gets older. Praying for and thinking of your whole family!
  • SennaArshad
    SennaArshad Posts: 4 Member
    Hey no problem! I found with myself personally, exercising lightly for a longer period helps with controlling hypo's. I was never fond of tennis as a teenager but I recently took it up as a hobby and I feel exhausted at the end of an 80 minute session with no hypo's.
    I also took it upon myself to take my insulin post meal rather than pre meal. I found taking insulin pre meal meant that my intake at meal time was controlled by insulin intake leaving me hungry if I had underestimated my hunger. This would make me very unhappy as a teenager and I decided to carbohydrate count post meal to monitor my insulin accordingly. Resulting in my hBA1c dropping down to 8! I still need to work on but I am 22 now, diagnosed at 11.
    Upon starting university my diabetes became such a priority to me and I now manage all my own meals and share them with everyone via my Instagram. Food is so much fun. My relationship is constantly changing with it but I am in a better state of mind than I ever was growing up. I know how protective everyone was over me so I would be stopped from eating lots of different things, or "told off" by extended family, however my parents would listen to my personal desires and issues with food. This was my biggest support and when I moved out I took those experiences with me!
    I am also sorry to hear about your boy but know that it's just as much as a blessing as anything else. He will grow up with a completely different understanding of his body, food and how they both co-operate.
    You don't know how exciting it is for me to hear that someone else wakes up when they are hypo! I thought I was the only one and I have never been able to explain how I manage to wake up as soon as I know I am having a hypo. It's sad that this often leads people to question whether I'm faking it etc but it is just a lack of understanding. I am going to share this with my Mother! Stay blessed everyone and have great blood sugars x