August challenge

I hope i am doing this right....I am also going to join in late ... needing some motivational people. Will be in a wedding in 9 months and just had a babyb9 months ago... still need to loose the baby flab.

Name: Mindy
Age: 34
Height: 5'4

Start Weight (10th August): 138
Goal Weight (1st September): 130

10th August: 138
15th August:
22nd August:
29th August:
1st September:

Weight lost/gained this week:
Weight lost/gained this month:

Hopefully I can get motivated by all of you to stay on my goal. . It's hard having 2 active girls I go from work to their activities. .. fast food is easy to grab... but adds to the flab... and haven't had much time to exercise. Crossing fingers...
