new! need to lose 100 lbs

Hi I'm Clair! My goal is to lose 100 pounds total. My vice is food & I know ill always want to eat what I want, so im not looking to cut anything out completely. I need to be able to stick to smaller portions & moving more. Any advice is welcome as well as anyone with similar issues! :) friend requests welcome!


  • _Chack_
    _Chack_ Posts: 21 Member
    I am here to lose 200 pounds and would be more than happy to take this journey with you! Eating out and portion control are my biggest problems, as well as mindless snacking.
  • clairbeth87
    clairbeth87 Posts: 7 Member
    Oh also I'm 27years old 5ft 1in tall
  • clairbeth87
    clairbeth87 Posts: 7 Member
    Oh also I'm 27years old 5ft 1in tall
  • clairbeth87
    clairbeth87 Posts: 7 Member
    Yes the snacking! I live with my husband, teenage daughter & 2 year old daughter & all they do is snack all day lucky for them they have great metabolisms but seeing them eat all day makes it that much harder