Good food and health for a keto diet



  • maggieeric1
    maggieeric1 Posts: 55 Member
    Yeah that's right using Mark's Daily Apple for sourcing on carb level 0-50 g is keto. But my reply to Troy was really about his stated fat % and protein % . Since proteins can be insulin stimulating you want to get enough but not extra so your body is not breaking them down for fuel and give yourself plenty of fats for fuel. And his % seemed transposed.

    Hey everyone is different tho. So do what works for you. Cheers!
  • maggieeric1
    maggieeric1 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm aiming for 50g-100g carb per day. Based on how I felt at lower than 50. :-/
  • troywhetstone931
    troywhetstone931 Posts: 62 Member
    I asked my dad about what was said in regards to my post and we had along talk. The questions about my diet but you all addressed at me had me thinking too. He laughed and said you don't trust me, I said I do, but they have interesting points. He said your on more of what is called a Palumbo keto diet. Your protein is elevated but your also going to the gym 3 times a day 5 days a week and doing 30 min of moderate cardio a day. The diet isn't intended for me to stay on for long periods, ( is my understanding). I'm doing a 12 week program. This type of diet is usually for bodybuilders (which I'm not) but my goal was to go from 220 to 190 and gain a substantial amount of muscle mass, which is more of a bodybuilding goal. So the type of diet I'm on isn't a true keto diet. But I did a keto test and it sure as heck shows ketosis. Everyone is different. And this Palumbo diet is working.

  • maggieeric1
    maggieeric1 Posts: 55 Member
    Very interesting Troy. Thanks for the post! It's always a good idea to delve deeper into any info yu can get from your trainer about the goals and strategies of your plan. So I wholly applaud you in having the conversation and getting an explanation. I'm sure with your workout you are burning up every bit of your fuel intake.
  • brook0530
    brook0530 Posts: 18 Member
    Medical bills... Thousands of dollars. Feeling like garbage on so many levels.... Countless hours lost.....Keto//OS and it's amazing rejuvenating, restorative, healing properties.... PRICELESS!! There IS an answer!!! I've got it and I want to share it with YOU!!! I have a product that can get you into ketosis in 59 minutes and keep you there! Exogenous ketones are amazing and I'd love to share info with anyone who is interested! Let me know!! I'm loving it!!!