70lbs to lose!



  • veronikalibeth
    veronikalibeth Posts: 1 Member
    I'm verrry slowwwly starting to get on track. Just the calorie counting so far has helped a lot in getting me to realize how much - too much - I'm eating daily. I may be eating relatively healthy food, but too much of it is still too many calories for my activity level. My new doctor wants me to check in with her every 3 months, to keep me going and accountable, but maybe joining a group here will help with that, too! I like my new doc a lot, and she's not putting tons of pressure on me, so we're starting with 30 pounds to lose and we'll see how I'm doing once I get there. I have MFP set to help me lose a pound a week, I've been logging for 25 days now and with half of that limiting my calories. It seems to be working, I'm down 2 pounds without feeling deprived! I eat what I want, but trying to watch how much and leave some on my plate, and serve myself less in the first place.
    Hoping maybe with others to talk to, I'll be more accountable more often, and it's lots cheaper than joining Jenny Craig's meetings! Let's hear it for this great MyFitnessPal app!
  • playswithsqurriels
    playswithsqurriels Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • justash6406
    justash6406 Posts: 10 Member
    wow so many great people on here, please add me about 120 more to lose
  • beckygammon
    beckygammon Posts: 73 Member
    YES! please add me I have 200 lbs to lose so I definitely would love the added motivation and support. Especially people who log everyday and have open diaries (helps to give me ideas - or see that other people struggle sometimes too). :)
  • knichols70
    knichols70 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! Feel free to add me - starting MFP again today and looking to get in shape and lose about 75 lbs. Need all the motivation I can get! I've struggled with my weight over the last 20 years and am currently at my highest. It's nice to know there are others out there with the same struggles.
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    There are so many reasons why I am completely moved by all of you. You are all being honest and real with your journey and know how hard it will be and how much we all need each other. THAT will help us all get on the right path. Don't forget to be encouraging to each other--send messages, make posts, don't just blindly "like" everything. Be more human in your approaches with other people. We are all on the same journey--I have made so many friends by just showing up here every day. We can help each other change our lives. That is HUGE. Now, go eat something healthy, drink your water, and do a little dance. :smile:
  • amwhl
    amwhl Posts: 1 Member
    Care to be accountability and motivational friends for each other?? I would love the support and am happy to give it back! I've been inconsistent for FAR too long and need to kick this emotional stress eating habit to the curb ASAP! Help me and I'll help you. Let's get back on track and make ourselves proud!
    I have 60 lbs to lose as well and I've been so wishy washy over it! I need to get my butt in gear!

  • AndGO124
    AndGO124 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! looking for the same things! Let's do this!! Will add! Good luck!! :)
  • treasurep
    treasurep Posts: 88 Member
    the struggle is real... I'm up for anyone who want's to help keep our spirits up while our waist size goes down...Friend me and we'll motivate each other.
  • HeleyneBeam
    HeleyneBeam Posts: 7 Member
    I am soooo on the same boat, ladies. I NEED to do this. My husband and two little boys Beed me to do this. I want to be done with half hearted efforts. So done with feeling stuck! Please add me, I am all up for motivation and support!
    P.S. Actually looking forward to this journey with people who really get it.
  • Aakornely
    Aakornely Posts: 20 Member
    Im in!!!! 224 lbs today, and have been working on losing the weight for good for years, watching the scale yo yo up and down. I currently have a workout buddy, which is a tremendous help, but its hard when she complains about being 137 lbs. It a relief to know that your not the only one out there with big goals. Next stop 160lb!!! Good Luck everyone! :D
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Copy and paste from another page but still the same>

    Morning all :) lost 70+lbs about 3 years ago, maintained for like 2years and then after a marathon fail I lost all motivation and ceased everything I was doing well, cue 3st gain in like 6months but now I'm off travelling in January I need to drop at least 2st by then.

    I missed 1 day in the last like 1070, the day before my damn birthday I forgot to log in ggggrrrr. Requests welcome. Happy losing :)
  • starrelated
    starrelated Posts: 2 Member
    Gained weight rather than lost weight really need some supprt and advice to get going again
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    I'm so happy to know all of you and to have so many new and awesome friends!!! We really can do this weight loss journey up right with the help of each other! Blessings and lets do this thing!!!
  • Mellieanne1019
    Mellieanne1019 Posts: 59 Member
    i have 50 ibs to loose so feel free to add me! we are all in the same boat!
  • CountryMouseToo
    CountryMouseToo Posts: 5 Member
    Okay, Where to start is the 1st question, but I guess I have just answered that myself, because I have finally decided I needed to do something about it. Today is Day # 1. o:) I have never really tracked what I ate. I love to cook and love to eat it! I guess like most folks I just lost site of what a real portion size was/is. I have 130.5 lbs to lose. Didn't realize, I guess I have been carrying two of me around all this time. I am new to all this posting to the world stuff, but here it goes. Got this site info from my doc. I am 50 this year and realize that if I want to have fun the rest of the time I am here on God's great earth, I need to get off my but and get into shape. I am talking a permanent lifestyle change not one to stop once my goal is reached. I have read many of the posts on this site this morning and really like the upbeat and helpfulness of this string. I would love to join you all on your journeys and mine. I never really look at food labels other than to make sure it doesn't have MSG or artificial sweeteners in it. (those give me NASTY headache's). But time to pay attention to what & how much I put in this temple God gave me. I thought I would start day one out with really shocking myself by eating what I usually do in a normal day to really see how many calories I have been consuming in a day. I can already tell you that my Beer's (A&W Root Beer's that is) will have to go. Good havens the amount of sugar and wasted calories it has. I have teased co-workers in the past that they were driving me to drink - but WOW does that have to stop too. I always fix hubby and I a pretty good breakfast. WOW, I don't know if I will be able to stop saying that today. but WOW, one of our most loved breakfasts of plain old roast beef hash with eggs and toast topped out at almost 700 calories without even counting a drink of OJ or Apple juice. So I guess I can now say my EYES ARE OPEN. We must make conscious choices! think I will stop my experiment here at breakfast for fear of giving myself nightmares of the bad choice that I made all these years.

    If anyone has any advise or words of wisdom I would greatly appreciate them. Mine to pass on to you is to remember life is short, no one has a guarantee of tomorrow - so live today like there is no tomorrow - say "I love you" to those you love to ensure they know it, and while your at it, tell yourself! I think we forget that sometimes.

    I'm adding this sting of folks to my prayer list in hopes of helping you all with your choices today - I am rooting for you all. No decision is wrong - some are just WAY BETTER than others. LOL Hope you all have a blessed day!

    PS...see some of you are posting to say "be friends" how does that work and what is it? LOL no - I'm not old, just aged well. LOL
  • Heather417
    Heather417 Posts: 31 Member
    I too have 70 pounds to lose (100 really, but I'll take anything I can get)
    I'd love to join you guys. Anyone here feel free to add me!!
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    @mellieanne1019 @heather417 we can certainly reach our goals if we keep pushing for them!!! Definitely isn't easy but well worth the try, even if you have to keep trying over and over again!
    @countrymousetoo I am proud of you for choosing to take charge of your health! Being strong and fit no matter what your age is incredibly important and brave! Stay the course and stay consistent---take it from someone who really struggles with consistency! Thank you for the prayers and I hope that we can be an encouragement to one another! Blessings!~
  • lynnpertle
    lynnpertle Posts: 34 Member
    I have 70 to lose. We can do this. Add me if you like.
  • CountryMouseToo
    CountryMouseToo Posts: 5 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! The sun is...... well I was going to say the sun is up, but I don't really know ... think it is hiding behind the clouds here today. I mentioned earlier this morning about a joke that I had read about doing your exercise early in the morning before your brain figures out what your doing. LOL well I tried it, and trust me, my brain might have been asleep when I started but all those whining little muscles woke it up! LOL Oh My Goodness, Oh My Goodness, I didn't think I had inner thigh muscles anymore but they are in there somewhere I know because they were screaming - LET ME OUT - this morning ---- or was it GO BACK TO SLEEP. I think I prefer to think the first is correct. Well I made it through Day 2 of exercise, dinner is cooking in the crock pot and all my food is posted for the day ..... now to just fight off TEMPTATION and only eat the snacks I have listed. We can do this Groupies (can I call us that?) :blush: !! I know we can, dig deep today, and remember you may not appreciate today, the hunger, the sore muscles, the blahhhhss, or whatever else it is you are feeling BUT a year from now WE WILL Thank ourselves for not quitting TODAY! Blessing to you ALL!!!