Those that are prescribed Adipex, and using it to assist the

I have been on Adipex for 29 days! I will have my first weight check in on June 2nd. I started at 244 and now am at 222! I have lost 22 lbs so far! I have been working my little tail end off. I have found that lot of people have opinions on Adipex. I want to say that I am being prescribed adipex from a weight loss doctor. I have had no negative side effects, and find myself so much more motivated to exercise, and I don't have that unsatiable urge to eat. Adipex is an extreme appetite suppressant. I take half a pill in the morning and half a pill in the afternoon. I eat breakfast lunch and dinner, but pay very close attention to my calories 1200 a day, and I have been walking about 3 miles every other night and usually some Zumba just about every night on my Wii... I am wondering for those that have utilized Adipex, how quickly did your weight come off, did you use it the right way, did you eat right, exercise. It seems like a few people I know think its a miracle pill and eat what ever they want. Then there are those that think just because they aren't hungry they dont eat. Let's share our experiences....Im curious...I have some seen and work with a few people that have great success stories.


  • mrskimberlyhampton
    mrskimberlyhampton Posts: 8 Member
    I have been on it for about 2 weeks, minus a few days. I have lost 5 lbs. It's funny because I work with someone who said she just forgets to eat while on it. Not me! It is definitely still work! Sounds like you are doing a lot of things to increase your weight loss and as you said it's not a miracle pill. I have been drinking protein shakes for breakfast, trying to stick to fruits, veggies and lean protein. I've also heard it gives you lots of energy, which again for me I cannot tell a big difference. It does take to edge off of hunger but I think it's like any drug it works differently for different people. Congrats on your weight loss. Sounds like you are really trying :)
  • mrskimberlyhampton
    mrskimberlyhampton Posts: 8 Member
    By the way, I haven't been exercising as much as you. I have been walking 3-4 times a week. I'm sure that has a lot to do with my success vs. yours.
    AmBeRLyNnGETTINThIN Posts: 56 Member
    Yeah I am totally going full on with this! I have 110 lbs total to lose before I get to my goal. I have to make a change to be here for my kids when they get older! I wanna live a very long happy life and I cant do that with all this fat weighing me down! Ive never been more ready in my whole life. Im tired of being the fat funny friend! I wanna be the hot wife, the cute I ZUMBA my booty off every night almost, I walk/jog every other night about 3 miles....It's me and only me thats got to get me on track! Im not looking back....Im ready to say told u so to all those that never thought I could do it!
  • mrskimberlyhampton
    mrskimberlyhampton Posts: 8 Member
    That's awesome :)