Need help dealing with stress and anxiety

Hey folks,

I've been doing well for about two months, but lately my stress level has gone up rapidly, and I've been a giant ball of anxiety the last few days. My Mom has been sick (multiple issues, in and out of the hospital) and depressed (she lost her baby sister at 50) and my Dad doesn't know how to deal with being her caregiver, so they both come to me to vent. I try to help, but end up absorbing all of their stress, frustration, sadness and depression myself. My work has also been picking up the pace, and I'm in a temporary position that I'm not qualified for, so I'm constantly overwhelmed.

The last couple of days have been incredibly hard for me to keep on track, and today I feel like giving up. I don't know how to deal with my personal issues while also being constantly aware of what/how much I'm eating. My brain is exhausted. Any tips on dealing with this kind of stuff would be greatly appreciated.


  • kelseyg22
    kelseyg22 Posts: 36 Member
    I have found that making sure that I have "me time" (working out, running, reading, etc) definitely helps me to handle all of the frustrations, anxiety, etc that life throws your way. The more that I make sure to take that time for myself; the better parent, spouse, listener, problem solver i can be. Also, don't be afraid to say..."can we talk about this later, I just need a break." U MUST MAKE YOURSELF A PRIORITY!! The better you do at taking care of yourself, the better you'll do at eating and working out! Good luck :)
  • Wytcher9
    Wytcher9 Posts: 40 Member
    Breathe. One of my coping techniques is screaming in the car - usually while singing very loud. Sounds like you have a lot of stress in your life. Sometimes, you have to set boundaries with family and not to take ownership of their pain. Sometimes, we have to be selfish if it means staying physically and mentally healthy. Try walking off the anxiety while listening to calming music, inspiring podcast, or audio book to quiet your mind. I wish you well. Stay strong!
  • hlnebel
    hlnebel Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you ladies so much. I needed the reminder to take some time for myself. :blush:
  • arlshar
    arlshar Posts: 42 Member
    Good luck with everything, breathe, and try to handle one thing at a time. I've had many stresses in my life. Try to think positive, and don't be too hard on yourself, just do the best you can.