Anyone in their 20s?



  • kekovacs869
    kekovacs869 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm turning 23 tomorrow :) Have been doing fairly well the past month on my own but looking to ramp! Feel free to add me.
  • marshmallowhunter
    marshmallowhunter Posts: 12 Member
    I'm Joe, aged 21. ~160 lbs and 17.2% body fat. I don't really have goal numbers in mind, I just want to lose some fat and look a bit more lean and solid, and less fluffy. Maybe around 10 pounds.

    I'm just doing SL 5x5 and cardio.

    Good luck on your goals, e'rybody!
  • sineadc94
    sineadc94 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi I'm Sinead, I'm 21 from New Zealand and mainly looking to just improve my fitness! Feel free to add me
  • Annaleighmarie
    Annaleighmarie Posts: 200 Member
    Hello and welcome! I am 25.
  • alyssajc95
    alyssajc95 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm 20 years old. I weigh 200lbs and my goal weight is 140/130. I've been trying for years to loose weight but I always get discouraged and end up gaining weight. But this time I WILL achieve my goal!
  • jordanueastwood
    jordanueastwood Posts: 19 Member
    Im 25 and im trying hard to get to my goal!
  • alehanBRO
    alehanBRO Posts: 43 Member
    I am 25z I've been here for 20 days and I've already lost 7 out of the 10 pounds I wanted to lose. My body fat percentage has also decreased. Can't wait for more results/progress.

    -Alejandro :)
  • rBex01
    rBex01 Posts: 102 Member
    24 add me too!
  • Bryanna1992
    Bryanna1992 Posts: 21 Member
    23 here! Send you a request! Anyone else can add me as well! :)
  • NatalieHowe1988
    NatalieHowe1988 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm 26 also 5'2 started off at 128lbs now I'm 123lbs! UK based but feel free to add! Would love to get to 115 but I don't think that's ever goi
  • ptrichards13
    ptrichards13 Posts: 2 Member
    20 from Ohio. Would love friends and motivators! Add me. :)
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    i wish i was in my 20s again...sigh!
  • hellohaf
    hellohaf Posts: 2 Member
    Helloo. . 24 years old. 5'5 cw=123pounds gw=110 pounds :) anyone can add me
  • zira91
    zira91 Posts: 670 Member
    Hi! im 24 and 5'1.. started at 178 lbs, now im at 138 lbs.. goal weight is 115.. feel free to add me..
  • francesca_taylor
    francesca_taylor Posts: 3 Member
    Hi im Frankie, 26 and currently 162lbs. Want to lose about 40lbs and need all the motivation and support i can get. Am a serial yoyoer when it comes to my weight so keeping it off will be the hardest part. But losing it is a struggle too. Feel free to add me.
  • LyssaRonnell
    LyssaRonnell Posts: 182 Member
    As of today, I can no longer say I am :(

    Happy birthday!!

    I turned 30 earlier this year, so also cannot say I'm in my 20's. I live 10 miles from the MO border, though (I live in IA).

    Also, I just have to say that averaging 12 mph on roller blades and keeping that pace going for an hour sounds impressive.

  • LyssaRonnell
    LyssaRonnell Posts: 182 Member
    Well thanks! I do my best! Anyone can do it in the right mind set.
  • meredithrosee_
    meredithrosee_ Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! I'm Meredith :) 25! Canadian. Looking to lose the 15/20 pounds of stress weight I put on this year! Add away! Love making new friends/support system
  • eddyR10
    eddyR10 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, name is Edgar, 23 wanting to loose about 20 pounds, maybe a bit more, looking to add people who can help motivate me as well.
  • pittickathra
    pittickathra Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm Prince I'm 23, turning 24 in 2 weeks. I weigh 220lbs and want to lose 70lbs. Need some serious motivation! So I'm stepping way out of my comfort zone by doing this. Anyone can add me.