hi everyone i'm new

Stakki Posts: 3
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there,
I have decided to jump on board with this fab site after a freind told me about it. I have allergies and was baming a mixture of 3 things on not being able to loose weight.

1 the medication I was put on
2 the fact i passed my driving test around the same time
3 the food i put in my mouth

being able to input the food and already have all the information there before you is great even down to my greggs pizza yesterday!
The fact that the site works everything out so all i have to do is truthfully put down what i'm eating and get some exercise done is great.

Really hoping i can stick with it and get some weight lost for my holiday to turkey this summer.
Feel free to add me as a friend im sure im going to need all the help i can get x


  • MilisaMote
    MilisaMote Posts: 28

    I am sure you will make your goal. I have only been here a few days and everyone seems so polite and helpful. I love the tools and features and how it makes you accountable.

    So Good Luck with your journey I am sure you will do great.
  • Stakki
    Stakki Posts: 3
    hi milisamote, (hope i spelt i right)
    thanks for your words of encouragment i do hope i succeed at this site and loose the weight i would like to. i wish you well on your weight loss journey too !
    i think it's fab that it's a free site as well.
    day 2 so far so good!
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