does quality of food make a difference to weight loss?

snowy_sk Posts: 117 Member
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
I know a calorie is a calorie but just wondering if anyone has noticed a difference when they use their calories in the most healthy way (fruit, veg etc) rather than just using them however they like?


  • i like to keep it real, i eat foods that i wont to eat just in moderation, in a way of tricking my body not letting it know that im restricting my calorie intake a day, by doing this your more likely to succeed in keeping the weight off, and maintain a healthy lifestyle, when the weight is off you dont want to feel "frightened" in going out and having a takeaway just like "normal" people do. Just eat less calories the next day or the day better.
  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    I know a calorie is a calorie but just wondering if anyone has noticed a difference when they use their calories in the most healthy way (fruit, veg etc) rather than just using them however they like?

    its all a metter of balance, 100 calories in fresh fruit would be better for you than 100 calories in a processed ready meal, owing to the high level of other stuff such as sodium etc.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    i used to think "calorie in, calorie out"... but i've come to realize that the healthier choices i make in what i eat, the most satisfied i am during the day (not hungry, etc) and the better I can keep to my weight loss goals. I also noticed a lot of difference when I increased my protein by quite a bit. I don't eat red meat and rarely eat other meats so my protein levels were lowwww. then I started reaching out for other protein options and wow, i could just tell a difference in the way i felt - which equals better weight loss - plus i started getting leaner with better foods.

    healthier choices = avoiding the "skinny fat" syndrome and lets not forget the nutritional value of healthy foods and blah blah blah :) LOL.

    although, i need to be reading my own notes because i have not been eating healthy these past three days ! and i can definitely tell a difference in how i feel less motivated for weight loss and stuff since i feel tired and hungry because of bad food choices.

    hope this helps, sorry so long!
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    yes it makes a difference, I ahve a co worker who is on teh "atkins diet" so we ahd lunch, I had a salad and some grilled chicken. He had 20 Buffalo wings....he wonders why he is not losing weight.

    try to start eating healthier that is really the key.
  • Pseudocyber
    Pseudocyber Posts: 312 Member
    yes it makes a difference, I ahve a co worker who is on teh "atkins diet" so we ahd lunch, I had a salad and some grilled chicken. He had 20 Buffalo wings....he wonders why he is not losing weight.
    Uh, did we have lunch together the other day? LOL.

    I used to do the 20 buffalo wing Atkins thing ... since changed my eating habits for the better and discovered that buffalo wings basically have 100 Cal. per wing!!! Not to mention the fat! Jeez. Yeah, no wonder I got to my heaviest ever.

    Look at it this way: Go buy a nice, high end car. Then, ask yourself - are you going to cruise around town looking for the cheapest @$$ gas you can find - some no name, watered down, 60 octane gas - yeah the car will still go, but for how long? And what are you doing to the engine that you're going to have to fix soon?

    Or ... are you going to stop at a reputable gas station (one of the big oil co's) and spend a few more pennies for some mid to high grade gas? Your car will run better, cleaner, longer.

    They both move the car. My body is a lot more important to me than my car. It may break down, but at least I tried to do what's best for it.
  • And it took me a little while to heed my own advice but eating at a deficit and eating processed foods will leave you starving!! I found eating more whole and natural foods not only leaves me satisfied for longer but you can eat so much more so you don't feel as deprived lol!
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I know a calorie is a calorie but just wondering if anyone has noticed a difference when they use their calories in the most healthy way (fruit, veg etc) rather than just using them however they like?

    In the contents of energy... yes a calorie is a calorie. In biochemistry, protein and carbs have a totally different response on body fat. Stay away from "man made foods" carbohydrates either get stored in the muscle for energy, or as fat. Protein is the building blocks of the body, and it also helps release fat.
  • Ladywindchaser
    Ladywindchaser Posts: 44 Member
    Does it make a difference? Yes, it makes a hugh difference. Just some of the differences it makes is in the amount of sodium you have on a daily basis. Which can lead to blood vessel problems, water retention and heart problems. It makes a difference in the amount of vitamin's you eat daily. By eating fresh foods versus processed foods you are more likely to hit your daily allowance of vitamin's. You should see your cholosteral numbers drop if you stay within the daily allowance.

    It is all about balance and fresh foods is always better than a processed food loaded with salt and chemicals!!!!
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    Well... a calorie is a calorie, but I find myself snacking more if I eat high sugar foods, especially cereal at breakfast.

    But you can lose weight eating unhealthy foods if you're calorie intake is lower than you need.

    Someone did it before on the twinkie diet :)
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I currently use my calories to eat exactly what I ate before- just less of it. I'll still have crisps, cakes, ice cream.. but once my daily cals run out, that's it.

    I know it's healthier for my body to eat fruit and such, and I am starting to make small changes, but I lose 2lbs per week from eating 1200 cals per day of "anything", and doing a bit of walking every now and again.

    If "healthy" food really does make the difference, then I could maybe lose 3lbs per week instead, which would be amazing as I've got it in my head that I have to reach my target by the end of 2011.. I can't be bothered being overweight anymore. I just can't.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    For straight-up weight loss, no, quality of cals doesn't matter. But if you choose junky food over quality food, you won't be healthy, and eventually it could cause issues with your weight loss because your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs to function properly. It may be harder to resist cravings and keep from overeating, because your body will be pushing you to get nutritious food.

    I try to strike a balance. I don't cut things out of my diet, but I make sure that my macronutrients are in a good range. I make sure I'm getting enough protein and fat, and not too many carbs, because that's when I feel the best. So if I want a slice of cake, I have one, but I don't do that every day, and I try to make sure I'm eating healthy foods the rest of the day. I plan my meals ahead of time, and if I slip up and have a can of pop or something that wasn't planned for, I don't remove a healthy food to compensate for the calories, ever. I'd rather be over on cals and eat healthy foods than have low calories full of junk.
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    I've been eating the wrong type of calories for the last couple of days & I have to agree that I don't feel as motivated to stick with the program when I eat 'bad' calories but then again I've not been sticking to my daily allowance either.

    You got me thinking though - I've realised that when I eat the crappy calories over a period of time even within my goal calories I'm more likely to fall off the wagon & feel like crap so maybe it does make a difference
  • Pseudocyber
    Pseudocyber Posts: 312 Member
    I've also started trying to understand food better - hence this website - and understand nutrition and the "macronutrients" - fat, protein, carbs, etc.

    But also there's "micronutrients" that aren't added to processed food that you can ONLY get by eating natural food - fruit, meat, vegetables, nuts, grains - usually they're called "phytonutrients" From THE DEFINITIVE SOURCE of all things :laugh: , wikipedia,
    The term is generally used to refer to those chemicals that may affect health, but are not established as essential nutrients.[1] While there is abundant scientific and government support for recommending diets rich in nutrients from fruits and vegetables,[2] there is only limited evidence that physiological effects result from any specific phytochemicals.[1]

    There's some other nutrient word I can't think of ... dang it.

    But also, they're full of natural fiber, which is also good - where as processed food has less.

    For more nutrition information, I really recommend Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book, "Eat to Live":
  • Pseudocyber
    Pseudocyber Posts: 312 Member
    There's some other nutrient word I can't think of ... dang it.
    Antioxidants was the word. Free Radicals.

    And Higgs Boson's ... oh wait. :laugh: :wink: :laugh:
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    It's different for everybody. That's what it's going to ultimately come down to, finding what works best for you.

    For me, I only paid attention to calories and rarely even looked at my macros. Ate Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice for lunch everyday and cereal or fiber bars for breakfast every single day. I'd eat packaged 100 cal snacks during the day, along with fruits and some veggies. Sometimes I'd make dinner. Often I'd get grilled KFC, Subway or low calorie packaged dinners from the supermarket that I could easily make for the hubby and I. I lost 36 pounds.

    I found this forum. Read all the info on eating cleaner and cutting out processed foods. So I worked hard at that. Make my own meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner almost everyday, getting rid of the packaged snacks, starting eating stuff like almonds and edamame and the vile Greek yogurt for snacks. Watching my macro ratios and sodium levels every day. Still weighing everything to the gram on my scale and watching calories and excercise calories (and eating them back based on HRM info). I've gained 9lbs.

    So everyone's experience is going to be different.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    I know a calorie is a calorie but just wondering if anyone has noticed a difference when they use their calories in the most healthy way (fruit, veg etc) rather than just using them however they like?

    As long as you are consuming sufficient amounts of protein, then it doesn't make a difference in terms of weight gain/loss. However, honestly speaking, I think when people consume junk carbs or any other type of junk food, they grossly underestimate the amount of calories consumed.
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